The Marriage Bed

The Marriage Bed

She was married off young. She was fifteen when she married a thirty-five year old man, his name was Rohan. She was afraid of him, and he was turned on by her. She was short, had well placed curves. Her breasts were fairly large for her frame and were often displayed prominently at the top of her bodice. Her name was Anna. Anna was not afraid of her future husband at first, but that all changed on their wedding night.

She was standing in her dress as he stared at her. Inspecting every inch of her body. She shivered, no gentleman would look at a woman the way he was looking at her. He took a step forwards, his hand reached out and tugged on the lacing of her corset bodice. The first layer of fabric came off.

"Take off the rest, slowly," He commanded her.

Anna nodded meekly and undid the rest of the lacing. She pulled off her over-garments and was left in a corset over a thin white sleeping gown. She began to hesitantly undo the lacing on the top of her corset when her now-husband Rohan became impatient. He growled at her and ripped the corset open. He then ripped away the thin dress, revealing those amazing tits.

She gasped slightly as he quickly knelt down in front of her and took one of her nipples in his mouth. Rohan was aggressive he sucked on the nipple, then pulled back and flicked it with his tongue before going back to sucking it aggressively. All the stimulation as making her nipples still and sensitive, so when he started to bite and nibble on her nipple she cried out in pain. Rohan quickly slapped her hard on the ass and continued. She jumped as his hand made contact with her bottom, he had hit her, hard. A lone tear ran down Anna's face as he moved to the next breast and repeated the motion. Every time she would move or make a noise, he would spank her forcefully. He sucked on her nipples for the better part of five minutes, each. When he was finished they were red, swollen and slick with his saliva.

He stood from his kneeling position and slapped her across the face, "I don't want to hear another peep out of you tonight."

Afraid to speak, she nodded her head silently. His hands went to her breasts again. Rohan tightly squeezed them, then he pinched and tweaked her nipples, before slapping her breasts. The slaps weren't as hard as the one to her face or ass, but since her nipples were so sensitive she let out a gasp of pain.

He slapped her face again, on the other side this time, "What did I say you little bitch? Shut up."

His hands left her nipples and went to his own shirt. He pulled it off with ease, which is when she saw his large and erect member. Anna didn't think that there was any way that thing was going to fit inside her, not without a tremendous amount of agony.

"Take off my trousers."

She bent over and began to undo the tie, but he pushed her back.

"Get on your knees."

She nodded and knelt in front of him. She undid the tie that held them up, and she pulled them down to his ankles.

"Now take off my breeches with your teeth."

She leaned towards him and, careful not to nip his skin, took part of his underclothes in her mouth and pulled them downwards as well. When she looked up again there was an agonizingly long dick in front of her face.

"Now take it in your mouth and suck me off until I finish."

She looked up at Rohan in shock, she had never heard of anyone other than whores in a brothel give such treatments.

At her hesitance he slapped her again, "Do it or I will make you scream out in pain."

She shivered at the threat, he had already hurt her, and she didn't want to experience any more of Rohan's wrath. She cautiously opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, she flicked it over the head of his penis, and this continued for a few moments before Rohan became frustrated at her lack of knowledge. He grabbed the back of her head and impaled her face on his long hard cock. She gagged on it and tried to pull away from him, but his hands kept her firmly in place. She was choking on his cock, an felt like she was about to pass out when he finally released her just enough to allow some air into her throat. This didn't last long however, because he soon pulled her hea back closer towards his balls once again, then back, then forth. Eventually, he was full on fucking her throat. All she could do was try to relax her muscles and accommodate the large, intruding member.

Anna began to taste something salty in the back of her throat, and that was the moment Rohan removed his penis and placed it right in front of her face. It shot long, hot, sticky, white strings of sperm across her face a breasts. She was shocked, once again, this was something she had heard of happening in brothels, but a nobleman was never supposed to let a drop of his sperm go to waste on his young, fertile wife.

She sat there is shock for a moment before Rohan spoke gruffly.

"Get up."

She did as she was told and stood. He reached an caressed her breasts, rubbing in the semen that was on them. His thumbs brushed over her still sensitive nipples and she had to suppress a shiver of discomfort.

He grabbed her arm and lead her to the large tub in the corner of the room.

"Get in the tub."

She did as he requested, and stood in the bathtub. He then took a sponge and wet it down with water. He started with her hair, getting it wet. He then washed her face, when he was done he kissed her roughly on the lips and then slapped her twice, once on each cheek. She started to silently cry, and he grinned. She was sickened by this horrific man, he seemed to gain pleasure from watching her in pain. He then scrubbed her neck and shoulders. Then he started roughly kissing and sucking her neck, he even started biting her. He left large bruises and hickies in his wake. It was painful for her, but she knew she couldn't make a sound or else he would hit her again.

Rohan then scrubbed down her right arm, when he reached her hands he took one of her fingers in his mouth and sucked on it, before venturing to the other arm where he repeated the process. Then he moved own to her breasts which were still extremely tender from his earlier assaults. he roughly scrubbed at them, re-enlarging her nipples. He slapped her breasts several times, he liked to watch them swing back and forth, he also liked to watch her grimace and wince. He then sucked on both nipples some more. Biting and nipping at them seemed to cause Anna great displeasure, so he aimed to do so as much as he could. She began to cry again. She didn't know if it was going to be like this every time, but if it was she was terrified. Rohan then bit own fairly hard on her left nipple and she cried out in pain.

He stopped and stood to his full height in front of her, looking sternly.

She looked at him with terror, "Apologies my Lord, I did not mean to-"

"Turn around." He said.

She followed his commands, just happy she was not going to be hit in the face again.

Rohan went and grabbed his belt, he held it in his hand and whipped it in the air once for good measure. He then hit her across the ass with it.

"AHH!!" She screamed, not expecting the blow.

He did it again, and again she screamed.

Again, and again, and again, and again. Until Anna was a sobbing mess kneeling in the bathtub, her ass more red than a fire.

"If you ever make a noise like that again without my permission you will get far worse than that," Rohan told her firmly.

"Yes my Lord," Anna replied between sobs.

"Now, turn around and let me finish cleaning you."

She turned back around to face him, still crying silently. He continued his work on her nipples, sucking and biting and licking. He gave each of them a final slap before moving on downwards. He left large and painful bruises all down her stomach. He then touched her pussy lips. She recoiled slightly, which he quickly slapped her for.

"Stand still."

He parted her lips and poked at her clit, it sent a strange feeling up Anna's spine. He started rolling it between his fingers, which felt good for a few moments, before he started squeezing tighter an tighter, causing Anna a great deal of pain.

"You are a virgin yes?" Rohan asked.

"Yes, my Lord. I am pure," Anna replied.

"Good," He spoke sinisterly.

He took his sponge and cleaned her pussy and ass-crack, which was a painful process considered the beating she had just gotten.

He looked her over and nodded to himself.

"Get out and dry yourself off."

She did as she was told. When she was done he grabbed her arm and positioned her to stand in front of his dining table. He grabbed her wet hair from behind her and forced her to bend over, her body pressed against the table. Anna felt Rohan's hard cock pressing against her still-burning ass.

He lined up his cock with the entrance to her pussy, and without thought of mercy, he slammed his dick inside of her.

At first Anna's pain was too much for words, but as soon as the shock wore off, she shouted and began to scream and cry. Rohan pulled out of her, grabbed his belt, which was laying over a nearby chair, and whipped her across the back with it. She screamed as he hit her with the belt over and over again, leaving large red criss-crosses on her back. He then went back to assaulting her now-deflowered opening. He thrust all the way in and then nearly all the way out, just so his head was still within her, before brutally shoving himself all the way back inside again.

She was crying and felt like she was hyperventilating. He was ramming her pussy hard, so hard that with every thrust, the heavy mahogany table would make a knock against the wall.

He pulled out of her, "Stand up." He didn't really give her a choice, as he still was holding her hair in his grip like a leash.

He lead his bitch to the bed where he told her to lay on her back. He grabbed her ankles, pulled them up into the air and spread her legs. He then positioned her on the edge of the bed where he had easy access to her pussy. At this angle, he could go deeper inside her. He put his hands on her hips and added to his previous thrusting method by also pulling her hips in closer to him. At this angle he was hitting her cervix with every single stroke, and with every thrust Anna felt more of herself die. She was in absolute agony, an he would not relent.

Anna was crying so hard that she let out a little snort because of her erratic breathing, it was rewarded with a stroke of the belt over her tender breasts, which sent her into another cycle of screaming and crying. It was starting to get on Rohan's nerves, so he slapped her again and said, "Shut up you bitch."

He pulled out of her again and told her to get onto her hands and knees. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pounded her from behind in doggy style. With his other hand he reached under her and roughly groped her breasts. Whenever she made a noise he disapproved of, he either spanked her ass, or slapped her breasts.

Rohan started to grunt and thrust even deeper than before, and soon he was going off inside her. She was flooded with his hot liquid. He pulled her hips even closer to his in order to get as much of his sperm as deep inside her as possible.

After a few moments, Rohan pulled out his now soft cock of Anna's delectably tight pussy.

"Wash yourself quickly," He ordered her

She went to the bath and quickly sponged herself down and cleaned up the leaking cum from her pussy. That night she had experienced no pleasure, only pain. This was by Rohan's design. She was there for his pleasure, not her own, so she would not have any. That's how he saw it.

"Now come here," He said and motioned to the table.

He once again grabbed a fistful of her hair and shoved her down across the table.

"You're behavior tonight was terrible, this is your punishment."

He took his belt and hit her across the ass with it five times, and each time she let out a pained howl, followed by sobs of agony. He then put ten lashes onto her back with the same result. Then he told her to sit in the chair, which was uncomfortable because of the number of times her ass had been spanked and lashed that night.

He slapped her across the face twice on each side, lashed her five times with his belt across her nipples and breasts, and hit her a few times with the belt in her groin.

"Now stand." He commanded.

She stood, but her legs were shaking, there was no place on her body that did not ache sharply with what he had done to her.

He took her face roughly in his hands and kissed her aggressively He pulled away, slapped her one more time and said, "Now, you will sleep and greet me in the morning with a proper cock sucking, do you understand?"

"Y-yes my-my Lord," Anna said between heaving sobs.

Rohan slapped her one final time before walking to the bed himself and lying down to sleep.

Anna slept on the other side with her back turned, not looking forwards to tomorrow.

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