A new Mistress 2

A new Mistress 2

I savored the taste Mistress Natasha's cum in my mouth all the way home. My wife was asleep when I got home and I crawled into bed beside her without bathing or rinsing my mouth. I kept my weekly routine the same as always except the two times my wife and i fucked I waited until she screamed at me to cum inside her (just to stay obidient to Mistress Natasha).

Of course, I could think of nothing but Natasha all day and all night for a the whole week.

Thursday finally arrived and i rushed home from work and straight to the shower. I stuck the shower nozzle up my ass for several minutes to make sure i was clean, just to be ahead of the game. I dressed and raced to my Mistress's house.

Again, I stripped in the foyer and left my folded clothes in a pile. She must have heard the door close or just expected me to be on time, "I'm in the bedroom, pet! Approach me properly."

I nearly ran down the hall, stopped just before her bedroom and dropped to my hands and knees. I crawled into her bedroom, "Over here pet." I crawled to the sound of her voice. She stood beside the bed.

"Greet me pet."

I kissed the tops of her bare feet, "More."

I licked the tops of her feet and toes and licked her ankles.

She turned and bent forward, sticking her hot ass at my face, "Greet me, pet."

I rose to a kneel and began kissing her ass-cheeks. I kissed every inch of those sweet, bubble-cheeks, "More." I began licking her ass. I left a wet trail over her grand ass-cheeks, "More, pet!" I ran my tongue up and down and up and down her ass-crack. I was so hard I thought my cock would rip through my skin!

"Good girl! Now, get on the bed and lie on your back!"

I hopped onto the bed and she manuvered me so that my legs dangled off the side. She shoved a pillow under my head so I could watch and then she swung a round-house slap to my cock. It stung like hell and bounced back and forth--"Just to keep you honest bitch!"

I moaned and nodded my head, "Yes Mistress!"

She grabbed my warm balls and squeezed, "Did you cum without permission this week bitch?!?"

I violently shook my head, "NO! NO MISTRESS! ONLY WITH PERMISSION!"

She squeezed harder, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! YES MISTRESS! I'M SURE!" I thought I would shoot a load on her hand if she squeezed my balls any harder.

She raked her nails across my dick several times and raked my balls. Her cock was hard as granite and swayed as she moved. Her tits jiggled and her bullet nipples pointed at me. She caught me gazing at them, "No implants pet and you will soon enough worship them. You will soon enough worship all of me!" I knew my pre-cum was oozing down my penis and I did all i could not to cum.

"We're gonna play a little game tonight slut." She commanded me to grab my feet. She tied my wrists to my ankles amd pushed me backward on the bed. My legs were spread and the position gave me all the view I needed.

"We're gonna paly a little game called Agony and Ecstasy...." My eyes bulged and in my mind i screamed NOOOO! I had palyed that game with my sub and had not thought anyone else called it the same thing. I had a feeling about what was to come and with the size of her she-cock agaony was an understatement!

She rubbed a thin film of KY on my asshole, she grinned wickedly as she looked down at me. Her cockhead disapppeared between my ass-cheeks and I felf it press against my asshole. She grabbed my feet in a vice-grip and pushed down, spreading me further apart.

"Mistress...." meekly whispered from my mouth. She jammed about six inches of her rock hard cock up my ass and i screamed as the pain ripped through me. She pulled back and my head bounced up and down off the bed. She slammed her cock in me about eight inches deep and i screamed again. She was smiling the whole time and gazing down at my ripped ass. She pulled out and before I could beg or speak she rammed her entire cock up my ass. Her balls smacked against my ass, she laughed, my head was a frenzy of movement.

I turned into a giant snapping, babbling head as the pain ripped through my soul, "ohgodmistress! takeitout! please! takeitout! hurtssobad! takeitout! takeitout! PLEASEMISTRESSTAKEYOURCOCKOUTOFMYASS!"

She was jackhammer fucking my ass now, "Mommy."

"Mommy! Mommypleasetakeyourcockoutmommy! Mommy! Please!"

I felt impaled. I thought i could feel her cock in my throat as she smiled and laughed and just kept pound-fucking my ass. Her tits bounced to her rhythym.

Just as suddenly as the pain had started I was in ecstasy. Her huge cock felt so good up my ass, like nothing I had ever known. I loved it. A great moan escaped from my lips and filled the room and I wanted to cumm soooo badly.

"Tell me."

"OHHHH! GOD! Fuck me Mistress. PUH_LESE fuck me. Fuck my ass Mistress Natasha! Fuck my ass! Please fuck my ass! I love your cock up my ass! Please fuck me...."


"Mommy! Please fuck my slut ass Mommy! Please fuck my ass mommy, please!"

She grabbed my hips and plunged her cock balls deep up my ass. I felt her load slam into my bowles as she groaned and filled my ass with what seemed like an endless rush of her cum. I felt her cum ooze from my asshole as she untied me and pulled her semi-erect cock from my ass, "Sit up."

I did as told and she pushed her cock into my mouth, "Clean me pet."

I licked and slurped and sucked the cum and ass jusice from her cock as she told me how nice it was that had celaned myself before coming. I was gonna explode! I needed to cum so badly but all i could do was grin with a moutful of her cock. She smiled and pushed me back on the bed.

She wrapped her lips around my dick, "Such a good girl...."

I came immediatley...shot a huge load that she swallowed and sucked my dick until my balls were drained.

I clencehed my asshole trying to keep her cum inside me and wished everyday was Thursday.

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