Vengence is mine

Vengence is mine

I met Sue some years ago,she was blessed with an excellent figure and at the age of 36 she had kept herself looking well, I like many men tried to date her,but she was,nt having any of it,always saying she had a regular freind with whom she went out with and I stood no chance. I found it interesting that she never brought her freind to any of our Singles club outings,and as the organiser I got to see many of our members partners,but never Gaynors.

Sue was a sexual tease she relished the opportunity to make me squirm,and quite often I would gain an erection which she would create by flashing low cleavage and one time no panties on with a micro skirt. She took great delight in upsetting my natural rythym,and I was getting to the point where I was thinking about Rape. Had I got it in me to do such a thing, it had to be planned very well.

About 6 months after my Forced Sex thoughts had accured I was invited to a Private Party at Sue,s house, I was told to bring nothing but a pair of swimming trunks, No wine no nothing, I had heard she lived in somewhat of a large house in the Mayfair region of London,and there was a large swimming pool in the cellar area ,but as I had never been there before, I thought it prudent to order a taxi to take me. The party was due at the end of the week and so I treated myself to a new suit,as a man of 50 years old I still looked good,not to many wrinkles or saggy bits, kept myself reasonably fit .

The taxi was due to collect me at 6pm Friday 23rd of August ,and on the dot it arrived ,taking nothing but a few thankyou trinkets and my trunks, I was on my way, the journey did,nt take very long, and I was delivered right up to the front door, paid the driver,and proceeded to knock the front door. The door opened and Gaynor was there to greet me with a long distant kiss and a sarcastic hello (heh everyone look at me look) are you all right Mac she enquired,fine thanks I replied, she beckoned a rather dishy waitress to take down to the Cellar and I duly followed behind her. The house was vast,the waitress told me there were more than 30 bedrooms alone and each had an ensuite, do you wish to stay the night she asked,as Im taking room bookings,yes please ,thankyou.

After a fairly long walk,we entered the swimming area,you can change in their she said,and pointedto a changing room, I went in and started to get changed.As I had put my trunks on before I left home,I did,nt take long to disrobe, the waitress had waited for me,and she took me along to the entrance to the pool area, offered me a large glass of red, and ushered me through a pair of swing doors.On the otherside ,I saw nothing but women,there were no men at all,apart from about 26 women aged between 19-40 a wide spectrum, but all were attractive ,all with good bodies ,and all erection creating. I started to introduce myself to them,but immediatley noticed they were clingy with each other,very few offered me a warm hand of a sincere greeting, Oh dear I think I have got myself into a Lesbian/anti-man party ,was,nt I the lucky one, it was very hard work to hold conversation with any of them. Most of them were city types, and found men a bore and not there cup of tea.

Suddenly Sue made a sweeping entrance and everyone clapped,but not me...she glided into the room and saw me, came over,and said you don,t need these anymore,and pulled my trunks down,of course I did,nt have a flacid cock,it was erect,Oh dear she said ,you seem to have a hard-on and she stroked it ,I nearly came in her hand. We can,t have you wondering around with that can we,and with her middle finger flicked the end of my penis,I lost all my arder very quick,erection no more.

I tried to pull my swimming trunks up, no she said,everyone will go without there cossy on ,and your the first. So with that said,I wondered around feeling very uncomfortable, lots of the women were taking their costumes off, laughing and giggling ,many had no pubic hair,and some had more than normal, also an assorted size of busts, each as far as I was concerned very fuckable. But as they all were gay,they were not showing any interest in my cock or where I would like to put it. Talk about being sick as a dog, all that pussy and no one to feed it.

In my bag of trinkets I had put in a hormonal spray, it was something I had aquired some time ago,I was assured that it worked a treat,and if given to the right person at the party,meaning Sue,the effect would last a good 48++ hours,and the knock-on effect would be that her guests would want to follow suit without any complaining,in otherwords I would get to shag as many as I wanted to.

I made an excuse to go find my room and trinket box, a waitress was called and I was escorted to my room,she waited outside and led me back to the party with spray secreted in hand.The waitress herself was about 22 yrs old,and had a cracking body,all that any man would desire in a woman, I disceetely sprayed her with my Hormone spray, nothing happened ,well not straight away,but as we reached the swing door she squeezed my bottom,and whispered that she was available later tonight.I just winked at her ,and mouthed thanks.I went back into the swimming area,an quickly found Sue her tongue licking was a young girls pussy, and the extasy on her face was inspiring me to bring out the spray, I sprayed Sue and her lover, and they just kept on going, I wondered off towards some of the other beauties,and like Gaynor most of them were either in a 69 position or a long daisy chain,.

Mac , Sue shouted at the top of her voice, do you want your cock sucked, I could,nt believe my ears, she strolled over,gave me a lingering kiss,knelt down in front of me ,and took my cock in her hand and fed it into her mouth, what a lovely warm place to be, her tongue was concentrating on the end of my cock, and it was getting harder & harder, suck cock ,she was an expert, she was pushing it deep down into her throat encouraging me to cum,but I was,nt ready, I wanted her pussy,but she had other idea,s. Her lover who,s name was Candy, joined Sue in both licking my cock and ball sac but also Sue,s pussy, .I could take this anymore without comming,and pulled out of her mouth,I did,nt get very far,walked into another freind from years ago Helen, she held out her hand grabbed hold of my cock,and proceeded to give me a hand job, I remembered Helen from 20 years ago, she changed direction, after being raped one night on the way home from work,and after all the trauma ,she found more kindness in women,and after a 3 month period she ,became Bi-sexual then later Lesbian, so I realised that the spray had a devistating effect on the women. Helen just loved my cock,she licked ,kissed it, and generally loved it,until I came gushing my sperm down her throat and all over her face and Sue & Candy came alongside Helen and were willingly scooping up what sperm was left, until helen was totally clean,I was knackered ,needed a rest, and left the room to take a break,leaving the three women loving each others bodies.

Made my way back to my bedroom, no waitresses in sight,none of the rooms were lockable,sauntered into my room,only to find not one woman in my King-size bed but two, both were off for the rest of the day,Kelly introduced herself as she was my carer & the other was Hazel, both were around the mid 20s, they were wearing stockings and suspenders ,they both got up to greet me with a mouth watering kiss, and a swift lick of my cock which was still flacid.Is this what we are going to get Kelly asked,I hope not I replied,but you will have to give me a wee rest, and it will come back to life later . Why don,t you both join me in bed,I would like to kiss your bodies all over, and with that we all slipped into be continued

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