My Beast Intro

My Beast Intro

Many people may find this disturbing, but I have one question for them; Have you tried it?

This is my story of how I was first introduced into the world of bestiality. Growing up in a home with only 1 parent meant my Mom had to work two jobs to keep the bills paid, meaning I was home alone most of the time. Now I wouldn’t say I lived in a bad neighborhood just that you could never be to careful. So what did my mom get to keep me and the house safe while she was gone? A dog. But not just any dog. Oh no! Far from it. In all honesty I’m still debating whether that was a mini horse or something. We had a Great Dane/Mastiff mix that, if standing on his hind legs, was well over 6 feet high. He was about 6’6 on his back legs, about 4’6 on his 4 paws. He was pitch black with a small white patch of fur under his legs, in his groin area; He also had a caramel tint to his face so, as a 10 year old, I called him Hershey. Hershey was my best friend and, sadly, my only friend.

We now skip ahead 2 ½-ish years to when I was around 12 and where this story really gets going. But alas I must describe myself and keep you, the poor horny reader, agitated and impatient. I’m currently 6’3 but I was probably about 5’9 when I was 12. I had REALLY bleach blonde hair and super dark brown eyes, almost black. I was never skinny, but I certainly wasn’t fat. Just had a little extra fluff to me. But now, FINALLY, I’ll start on my story. It was a warm summer morning, like any other, and yet not the same. Something would happen that’d change my life forever and I didn’t even know it. I awoke to the smell of Bacon and eggs and the sound of the door being shut. I knew my mom had made me breakfast before she went to work and so I rushed down stairs, not even bothering to dress since I knew my mom was gone (I sleep nude) and BAM! I caught the side corner of the counter top right in my side. And holy shit it hurt. The wind was knocked out of me as I Went to my hands and knees trying to not hyperventilate. *Before I go any farther I should mention one very important little bit of information.. My next door neighbors Husky bitch was in heat and Hershey had been acting very strange all that week.* Not even 30 seconds after I was on my hands and knees I felt Hershey’s full wait on my back. At first I thought, in my 12 year old logic, that he was giving me a hug as if “ Are you ok buddy? “ But I soon found out that wasn’t the case. He was moving on my back when I felt something wet, warm and hard hit my upper thigh. Now I’ve seen his dick before and knew all about it and what was its purpose and when I felt something hit my upper thigh I quickly realized he was trying to mate with me, as if I was some bitch in heat. I tried pushing him off and screaming but he was too heavy. Right as I was about to duck down and crawl under him he hit his mark. He went balls deep in his first thrust and I nearly passed out from the pain and the fact that now I really couldn’t breathe. My blood curdling scream and hysterical sobbing and pleading did nothing to Hershey, hell it might have even spurred him on. He pounded my ass with suck force that every time he thrust it two things happened. 1) My head went slamming into the cupboards and 2) whatever breathe I did have was forced out again and again. After about 3 minutes of the white hot searing, ripping, tearing pain, and the fact that I hadn’t taken a proper breathe in 3 ½ minutes I passed out. But because of something, I don’t know what, I awoke, probably 30 seconds later. And this went on for well over 10 minutes; Me going in and out of consciousness as the one friend I had fucked me with no remorse, mercy, or courtesy to me whatsoever. After about 15 total minutes of relentless pounding I realized something was bumping against my once virgin asshole but I didn’t know what. Of course now I know it’s the knot but then I was clueless. As I started to feel more pressure in my ass I realized his dick had grown huge! The bulb at the base of his cock was bigger than both my fists combined! I really started to panic again and so I thought maybe when he pulls back I could lower myself onto my stomach and crawl back out of his path. I timed it perfectly, he pulled then just as he was about to hump forward I dropped and his dick slipped out, but only just to jab my ass-cheek and hurt. Then, as I dropped he did something I never thought he’d do. He gripped my neck with his teeth and growled. I froze instantly, fearing he would bite me. Without ever skipping a beat he went back to pounding my poor ass, only this time, with my lowered posture he got his know in me fully. If I thought my breathe had been knocked out before I was wrong. I instantly screamed bloody murder and passed out. When I awoke it was well over noon and Hershey was nowhere to be seen. At first I thought it was just a bad dream but the instant I tried to move a searing pain shot through me, making me scream again. As I looked down, I still cant get this image out of my mind, all I could see was a giant puddle of shit, cum, bloody and even some skin from where his claws and dug in. It took me 30 minutes, crawling with my toes and fingers, to get to the tub and get in. I was so sore I just laid there for another 45 minutes. Dozing in and out. Finally, I got the nerve and strength to turn on the tub and just lay there in the warm soothing water.

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