The Crack Slut - II_(0)

The Crack Slut - II_(0)

The next day Laura was again needing some crack. Her boyfriend had called that morning to let her know he was tied up in Chicago and wouldn't be home for several more days. She had told him to get home as soon as he possibly could as she needed more groceries. She had not yet admitted her habit to her boyfriend because she was afraid she would lose him if he found out. She didn't know how much longer she could fool him though. After he hung up she called her dealer to get some crack. "You know what the deal is, don't you?" asked the dealer.

"Sure I do" replied Laura. "How many do I have to do today?

"Oh just three brothers and a sister" replied the dealer.

"I better get more than two rocks today" retorted Laura.

"If you make these brothers and the sister happy you'll have enough crack to keep even you happy for a while" promised the dealer.

Laura showed up on time dressed in a long dress and high heels. She also decided to wear panties and a bra. As she entered the dealer's living room she saw three naked black men and a gorgeous naked black chick. The guys were all well hung but not quite as big as the ones she had had the day before. As she entered one of the black guys came over, stopped her and looked her over. "Hey dealer, is the USDA grade AAA you promised?"

"Sure is, take a look" replied the dealer.

The black guy lifted Laura's skirt and felt her legs. He ran his hand up and over both titties. "Ain't much meat" he complained.

"She knows what to do with it. This bitch can fuck your brains out" promised the dealer.

"I want to see the rest of her" said the black girl as she came over and removed Laura's dress. Carl unsnapped her bra so it fell to the floor. The black girl leaned over and took Laura's tit into her mouth. She bit it which made Laura squeel. Then the black girl named Suzy started sucking her tits as the black guy put his hands inside her panties and started playing with her cunt. The other two black guys came over and Laura was laid down on the carpet. She felt fingers probing her cunt and asshole while others were busy squeezing and kneading her titties. The black girl squatted down over Laura's face. Lauar reached up and greedily started eating her pussy. She loved to eat pussy and even though this would be her first black pussy she was eager to get started. She just hoped someone would eat her pussy today before they fucked her. Sensing her desire one of the black guys started to do just that. He ran his tongue up and down the crack of her pussy several times as Laura began doing the same thing to the black girl. Sam the black guy eating her pussy had his tongue all the way inside Laura flicking the interior walls of her uterus. He was driving her wild. Just as Laura came Sam traded ends and drove his big black cock into Laura's pussy. He rolled her over on her side and the a second black man attacked her from behind. About then she felt a dick being forced into her mouth. The girl stayed where she was so Laura found herself being fucked in the pussy and ass while she was giving a third black man a blow job and occassionally licking the black girls cunt.

To say she had been well fucked would have been putting it mildly because for one of the few times in her life Laura didn't feel the need to find a dick to satisfy the itch between her legs. She also had $300 worth of crack which should keep her until her boyfriend got home if she was careful.


Part Three

Several years had passed. Laura had tried from time to time to get off and stay off crack. It never lasted for long. Her daughter was becoming quite the young lady. Laura had never wanted her to find out what her mother did. It was getting harder and harder to keep her daughter in the dark but so far she had managed it. One day her dealer made the suggestion that she could get an awful lot of money if she would bring her daughter along with her one day. That was when Laura went off on him. "Listen here you black son of a bitch if you ever touch her I'll personally cut your nuts off" screamed Laura.

"OK. bitch it was just an idea. She sure is getting some nice titties." replied the dealer.

Laura also promised him she would press rape charges if he so much as put a finger on her. Of course she knew that would be an idle threat in a couple of months as Shelley would be of legal age.

The day after Shelley's birthday Laura was hard up for some crack. The only problem was she had promised to take Shelley skating so she was in the car. Laura thought to herself she could slip into the dealer's house and make a quick buy and still get Shelley to her skating party. That way she would have some crack to get her through the afternoon while she waited on Shelley to get done skating. She had money so she shouldn't be long. She told Shelley to stay in the car and she ran up to the dealer's house and knocked on the door. The dealer had been hoping to get an opportunity like this ever since Laura had threatened him but he never figured it would happen right after Shelley's birthday when Laura couldn't get him in trouble for it. Laura was in a hurry but her dealer told her to be patient as a friend of his was bringing more crack as he had sold out a couple of hours earlier. Laura was irritated but she waited impatiently. There were also several black men and women sitting around the living room. She heard the door open and turned to see who it was. She froze when she saw her daughter being pushed into the house by one of the dealers friends. "You know what I told you Sam" she said.

"You can't do nothing to me now cause she's legal age" replied Sam. "Besides me and my buddies need some young pussy. Yours is about wore out."

"You bastard, you!" exclaimed Laura as she took a swing at Sam.

"Careful bitch" said Sam as he grabbed Laura's arms and pulled them behind her. He pulled her down on a straight chair and tied her arms behind her back and to the chair. "You just sit here and watch" demanded Sam.

"Let's see what we gots here" said a black man named Jerry as he started unbuttoning Shelley's dress. After he unbuttoned it he reached down and pulled her dress up and over her head and threw it on the floor. Shelley stood there in just her pink lacy bra and panties. Everyone got up and formed a circle around Sam and Shelley. Shelley was getting just a bit afraid as she wasn't quite sure what they had in mind. She didn't mind showing off her body as she flashed the guys in school all the time ever since her titty buds had begun to swell into perfect cone shaped tits. She even would bend over at the waist to show off her panties. One day one of her girl friends had pulled her panties down as she bent over. The boys had gotten an eyeful that day. She had even been known to let a football player have his way with her under the bleachers between halves. This was different though. These people looked like they meant business and since Shelley was afraid what they might do to her Mother she decided to play along.

Sam put his fingers inside Shelley's bra and rolled a nipple between his forefinger and his thumb. Laura watched in horror as several hands began invading Shelley's panties and bra. Her panties and bra couldn't take the strain any more and they both tore which revealed to everyone Shelley's sweet lucious pussy and her cone shaped titties capped by half inch long nipples which by now were as hard as rocks. Someone lifted one of Shelley's legs and spread her pussy lips so the rest of the crowd could see the pink of her vulva. A black girl was sucking on her tits as a black man prepared to enter her cunt with his dick. He lifted her up and set her down on his dick as she wrapped her legs around him. She sank all the way onto his dick as another black man approached her from behind and inserted his dick into her ass. Laura watched in amazement as her daughter was being fucked in the cunt and the ass at the same time by two very large black dicks. When these three were done they replaced by three more. Part of the time Shelley was eating a woman's pussy while being double fucked and part of the time she was giving a black stud a blow job. By the time she was done with the dozen or so people she was completely covered with cum and it was oozing out of every orfice in her body. Shelley was glad her Mother had brought her along that day. She had been wanting to fuck a black man and now she had been treated to several all at the same time. She was fast becoming like her Mother. Afterwards Laura was glad it had happened as well because she got $1000 for the episode. Her little girl was becoming quite useful after all.

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