Heather and Ava Move -In

Heather and Ava Move -In

It is late when I come strolling through the door. Heather has her arm around her daughter Ava's waist. They are standing in the foyer dressed only in one of my shirts. Ava is beautiful young woman just like her mom Heather. " Did you miss us?" Heather says to me with a knowing smile. " You bet I did," I say meeting them half way. Heather pushes her lips up for a kiss, which I met. Ava begins kissing Heather's neck. Ava's hands slide down between us, one fondling me while the other rubs Heather's pussy under her shirt. I caress both of them as much as I can as my hands struggle to take both women at the same time. My lips alternate between Heather's kisses and Ava's sweet lips.

" Let's do it in the library," Heather suggests. " Library?" I ask, unsure. " Yeah why not," Ava adds. " You two are in on this aren't you?" Both of them look at me and smile and as one tangled mass we slip into the library to the chairs. At the edge of the chair, Ava drops to her knees and begins eagerly pulling my pants off and Heather takes the shirt off dropping it to the floor. Heather whispers to me, " Fuck me first, but save it for Ava."

I nod, willing to go along with her suggestion. Heather and I resume deeply kissing as both of us stand naked. Ava looks at us. First she takes my cock, sucking furiously. After a few sucks, she releases and moves to Heather, who already put one leg up on the chair to open herself up. Ava dives right in and Heather rocks back with pleasure before placing her head on the back of Ava's head and driving her pussy down. Heather is quickly panting and moaning. " ooooooohhhhhhh..aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh..mmmmmmmmmm."
Suddenly Ava switches back to me and swallows half my cock, letting Heather catch her breath. She does this several more times before Heather looks at me and says, " Sit down."

I do and Heather straddles my hard cock. She slowly comes down on me, gasping as my cock impales her and she wraps her legs around me. I hold her ass firmly with both hands. Ava struggles to remove her shirt. Heather sits for a minute, my cock buried completely within her before she begins to grind against me. Her pussy is warm and tight and amazing. Heather begins bouncing on my cock. She moans with pleasure as each bounce lands me deeper inside her. Ava caresses and kisses her neck as she watches my cock penetrate her mom. Heather lifts; pulling off of me as my cock springs free from her pussy. Heather stays hovering over me. My cock is wet and sticky and the cool air feels cold on my skin. I feel gentle fingers wrap around my cock to pull it slightly down and then a new warm and wet feeling surrounds me. Ava is sucking my cock, slurping at the juices that Heather has soaked me with. Ava releases me and guides my cock back to Heather's pussy. Heather bounces turn hotter and harder than before.

Heather stops and sits heavily on my cock, pushing it into her slippery depths. My cock is crushed into the deepest recess of her hot pussy. She nibbles at my ear and says, " John, fuck my daughter. Take her tight pussy again." I kiss her and then lift her up from me. Ava moves to suck my cock, I stop her, pulling her gently up and leaning down to kiss her. Our tongues dance and she begins climbing onto the chair, laying back onto it. I stand up allowing her to get comfortable and she slides down to the edge with her legs hanging off. I lean down to Ava asking, " Are you ready for this?" She looks slightly nervous then nods. " Yes, I'm ready."

I press my hard cock against her pussy lips running it along her slit. Her slick juices make it easy for me. Heather watches us as she gently rubs Ava's chest and stomach. Then gently I slowly push forward. Her pussy lips part accepting me, surrounding my cock with warmth. Ava's mouth opens wide and a long moan escapes. " oooooooohhhhhhhhh..God
I feel Ava's pussy stretching to meet the demands of my cock. She is breathing sharply and biting her lip. As my cock slowly disappears in her, she begins to rock. Soon my cock reaches her cervix and her pussy clamps down around my shaft, twitching and I hold it here. Ava moans and bucks, her pussy refusing to relax. " aaaaaaaaahhhhhh..aaaaaahhh." " How does that feel?" Heather asks.

Ava answers with grunts. Heather smiles and moves up and over Ava and faces me. Straddling her face, Heather lowers herself onto Ava's mouth, using two fingers to spread her pussy open. I watch as Ava reaches with her tongue upward and it disappears in Heather. Heather lets out a deep sigh before leaning to meet me. We kiss and smile, each of us being pleasured by Ava. Concentrating on Heather's pussy, Ava begins to relax. Her pussy is a vice around my cock, the twitches subside and I begin to slowly pump in and out of her. She moans loudly into her mom's pussy. Heather starts rocking on her face as I fuck her tight pussy slowly and gently. " Don't hold back John," Heather says. " Don't be afraid to fill her up with your tasty cum." Heather reaches between Ava's legs and pinches Ava's pussy lips together along the sides of my cock.

Ava quakes with pleasure. I grab Ava's hips and thrust myself into her depths. Ava is breathless as Heather's fingers gently rub the base of my cock and Ava's pussy lips as my cum begins pumping into her. My thick and sticky load fills her tight pussy. Heather matches Ava in moans and is certainly enjoying watching me pump my cum into her daughter.

My cock flexes and twitches repeatedly soaking Ava's insides. She twitches and quivers. When the convulsions stop I feel Ava relax and her entire body softens and goes limp as Heather pants and squeezes her breasts. I slide free from her pussy and cum begins to leak from Ava's puffy pussy. Heather leans down and inserts her tongue into Ava's swollen pussy. She scoops up globs of cum and is sure to use long, soft licks to caress her daughter's throbbing pussy. When it is all over, we head back into the hall and up to my bedroom where we collapse onto the bed and fall asleep.

I wake up, entangled with my Heather and Ava, feeling my cock throbbing. I look down at the two beautiful women and wonder which of them I should wake up, if not both. Finally, after a full minute of running it through my head I decide to shake Heather awake.
She grumbles something incoherent and I say, " Wake up. I need to have your hot body." She groans and I slide out from the mess of bodies and off the bed. I grab her hand and pull at her. She sheepishly crawls out of the bed and onto the floor with me. " Come here," I say. " Be gentle," she says and she sits down.

I lunge forward and begin sucking on her breasts. Heather moans " oooooohhhhhh,"
and I gather her in, sucking hard on her breasts. My cock starts to throb harder and Heather reaches down, wrapping her hand around my shaft and starts slowly pumping it. I place my hands on her neck and shoulders, pushing her down toward my cock. " Open your mouth," I instruct her. Heather complies and I thrust my cock in her mouth all the way to the back of her throat. Heather closes her eyes and eases her throat open, pushing her head onto me. I grab the back of her head with one hand and guide her down until her nose is pushed against my stomach. Roughly, I begin fucking her mouth. Heather gags loudly and starts squeezing her own breasts. I grunt as I plow her throat, feeling it give to my force and envelope my cock.

I watch Heather's ass jiggle as I drive her face onto me and it reminds me just how much I love to fuck her ass. Roughly, I pull her off my cock, causing her to moan loudly as she finally gets to breathe. " OOOOOOhhhhhhhh..AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh," I pull her to her feet and lead her to the wall. I push her until her breasts squish against it, pulling out her hips, angling her ass until it protrudes as far as it can.. I push her legs apart and grab her hips, using my thumbs to spread her ass cheeks apart and then I rest my cock against her clenched asshole. I push forward.

Heather cries out and turns her head into the crook of her arm to silence herself as to not wake up Ava. Her asshole barely gives way to my cockhead so I reposition my legs and push further, pulling at her hips as I do and stretching her ass to the width of my swollen cock. Heather whimpers, but she doesn't say anything.

The friction is intense. Heather's ass has a tight grip on my cockhead and with each thrust it squeezes tighter. I engage in one long thrust and finally I break through and her magnificent ass accepts me fully. It is incredibly tight and when my cock reaches its deepest point, it is wrapped in heat. Heather's legs seem suddenly weak and her arms tremble as she holds herself up against the wall. I lean forward, pressing my chest up against her back. Heather winces and sighs as my cock inches deeper. I kiss her neck and back, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from her. Then I stand back up and I start thrusting. I grip her hips tightly and begin to pull half way out. Heather moans when I plunge back in. " oh god..oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh..aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh."

I begin fucking her with slow, deep strokes. She pants each time my cock bottoms out. The pleasure is awesome and my thrusts speed up. Heather's ass slams against me with loud slapping sounds and she is grunting. Her body quakes and trembles so much that I think she is holding herself up by shear will alone. I pull at her ass cheeks, spreading her open more and finding new depths in the process.

When I hit bottom, her ass and breasts shake violently. I am nearing orgasm and with one hand I gather Heather's hair and pull back. Her head rises and her back arches down, opening her ass to me like never before. My final push lands deeper and hotter than either of us imagined. Heather moans incredibly loud and I moan matching her. I hold my cock there, letting the deep warmth and writhing of each tiny muscle in her ass work me to orgasm.

My cum launches from me and lands into the depths of her. She feels me filling her ass and I continue shooting loads of cum into her. I can feel it backing up and forming around my cock. Her ass is full, between my cock and cum her ass has no room left. Heather moans a low sound that I know is a deep pleasure. My spent cock aches, suffocated by her tight and clenching ass. After minutes of savoring her I slowly pull my cock from her ass. She falls to her knees when I slip out and groan one final time. My spent cock hangs limp, still slightly engorged.

When Heather regains enough strength to get up, we walk back to the bed and fall into it. She kisses me deeply, crushing her body into mine and once again, sleep overtakes us both.

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