The Student, The Counselor, and The librarian

The Student, The Counselor, and The librarian

It had been a bad evening. Dinner with Brad and the worst argument of their relationship. A really bad evening. Bad enough to make Lisa think she should swear off boys! When Lisa arrived for school the next morning, after her doctors appointment, Joan was quick to track her down before her first class started. "Lisa, could you please come into my office for a few seconds?" Joan asked her in the crowded hallway. Together, they retired into Joan’s guidance office, the one without any windows to the outside. Joan closed the door behind her, without locking it. "How did it go?" the guidance counselor asked the sexy teen, trying to keep any hint of concern out of her voice. "Stop worrying, Joan." Lisa answered, "The tests were negative. See, I knew there’d be no problem." "When you’re eighteen, that’s an easy assumption to make." was all Joan could reply. "Besides, " Lisa said with that flirtatious, seductive tone her voice could take on, "I just loved the visit. They always give me special treatment there." "Really?" said Joan, settling back into her chair behind the desk. "And all for free? That’s one nice doctor. I ought to go to him." "Yeah, you ought to. And his receptionist is pretty cool too!" God, Joan thought, did this slut fuck the doctor and his receptionist in their office? If it were anybody but Lisa, she’d know they were lying. But that’s what she was implying, not by her words but the tone of voice they were spoken in. "Would you like to tell me the details?" asked Joan. "Sure, but maybe later, at your house?" replied Lisa. "I have to go to class soon." Her smile was wicked and seductive. Joan felt the little demon turn loose in her. She looked at the smiling, sexy girl, and remembered what furious sex they’d had between each other and with John. She could feel her own honey start to flow from the thought. She looked at the closed, but unlocked door. The demon began pricking her softly with his little trident. "Yes. Later, at my house. Around ten tonight." she told Lisa, who got up to leave with a "Yes, ma’am" and an evil grin. "Not yet." said Joan. "Sit down." Lisa sat back down. "Show me your tits." Joan whispered, loud enough for Lisa, but hopefully not for anyone outside to hear. The uninhibited girl did not hesitate, or even look back at the unlocked door. She simply pulled her blouse from out of her pants, and lifted it up to reveal her gorgeous braless tits, taut and proud in youth, their nipples brown and standing up. "So pretty." Joan said. "Now, flick your left nipple and make it as hard as it can be." Lisa did exactly that, but sexily and seductively, true to her nature. The forefinger of her right hand rubbed and pinched and flicked at her left nipple until the pleasure made it stand up in it’s full crinkly glory. "Does that make your honey flow in your pussy, naughty girl?" Joan asked. "Yes, Miss Chen." Lisa replied in the submissive voice that made Joan’s own pussy tingle and surge. "I don’t think I can wait until ten tonight. Put your blouse back in, and meet me in the library thirty minutes after school is over, today." Joan ordered. Lisa replied, "Yes, Ma’am" in that submissive voice that she, being a savvy young thing, knew turned Joan on more than just about anything. She tucked the blouse back into her shirt, and slipped out the door, leaving Joan to wonder how in hell she was going to make it through the day with her head full of nasty thoughts about fucking Lisa as soon as possible. Her time would be well spent, from the school’s point of view, if she just masturbated right here at her desk before the day really started, but she just couldn’t see herself explaining that to the school board at her termination of employment hearing, so she had to wait. Having a student show her breasts even for a minute was enough risk to run, at least for one morning. -=*=- Marsha Long looked up at the clock on the wall of the library, her library. Three-forty five. Only fifteen more minutes until her official time was up. And, she thought happily, only five more days until school was out, and five more after that for staff, and then it was time to head for the beach! Beaches were one of the things she loved about America. The waters of the Pacific were warm, not like in her native England, and you could sit there all day and soak up the sun, and ogle the lasses in their skimpy bikinis, thinking all the while about what you’d do to them if you could get them alone for a little private time. Not that she often did, of course, because for her the career had to come first. Her family was not wealthy, and only the death of her one rich uncle had provided the money to get an education in America. She had studied Library Science at UCLA, and this was the first job for the ambitious twenty-five year old. She was determined to do a great job and move up in the world. She walked among the library computers, making sure each one was re-booted and ready for the next day. It was one of her last tasks, and she finished as the janitors completed their vacuuming, switched off the noisy machines, and closed the library door. Peace at last. She switched off the main lights, and settled into the cube at the far corner of the large (for a high school) library, and logged in. Her friends at college had left an account open for her on the university computer. It was a way around the block the school had on internet access. That way, she could log in to the UNIX machine, and use TIN to browse newsgroups the students at Claremont could never see. One of her favorites was Of course, it was hard to find anything interesting amid the horrible sJoan and dross that had invaded her place in the last year, and was only getting worse. But you could still find the occasional nugget, you just had to work harder at it. The moderated newsgroup was nicer, but there weren’t as many stories there. You were less likely to find a good realistic lesbian story, and that was what she really preferred, especially one with lots of sexy kissing. The codes were helpful, and she looked at several with an FF code. The first two were pretty standard fare; but the third, even though FF was only one of the combinations, had possibilities. It involved a sexy high school senior and a school employee, and the atmosphere was slutty while staying positive and sexy. Several screens into the story, by the time the girl lay over the older woman’s lap with her ass raised for a spanking, Marsha was hooked. Spanking, when one girl does it to another, was one of her pet kinks. She could feel her pussy tingle and her juice flow as she read on. Jesus and Mary, as the girl was spanked, she had to confess her sins, and one of them was getting horny as she was spanked! The talk was dirty without being demeaning. Eventually, the girl got finger fucked to orgasm, in both the ass and the pussy, then had to eat the older woman right there in her chair. There was something about a man watching, but Marsha was not interested in that part. By the time she finished the story, her English blood was boiling. Rarely had anything made her so horny so fast! She had forced herself to keep her finger off her pussy, because she just didn’t feel comfortable pulling down her pants in her own library. She wished she’d worn a dress today, dresses were easier to push up to get to the sweet spot. It was time to go, once again, to the AV storage room. Before, during a couple of other periods of after-school desperation, Marsha had decided that the little room off the library, which not even the janitors had a key to, was the perfect place for privacy. The expensive audio-visual stuff was stored there, and only the principal and a few other employees had a key. She had one, because as librarian she controlled who had access to the AV equipment. She crossed the dark, silent, empty library and moved swiftly up to the windowless door. Quietly, she slid her key in the lock and turned, then equally silently she slipped inside and closed the door. She didn’t know why she was so quiet; it was just instinct, since her mission was one of very unauthorized self-gratification it just felt natural to be sneaky. Take no chances beyond those necessary was one of her mottoes. She had barely turned around to walk down to the little chair in the back when she heard it. "Ooooohh!" a high-pitched feminine voice half-whispered. To the experienced ear, the tone said only one thing: sex! Someone was having sex in the AV room! Marsha realized this with a shock that made her forget her own horniness. But how? No one had a key except a few adults. It must be kids, maybe they had snuck in earlier in the day, hid out, and were now shamelessly fucking. Cautiously, the librarian decided to check it out before intervening, as she knew she must do. You couldn’t be too careful: Perhaps several boys were raping a girl (though the sound was one of pleasure not pain), at any rate, better to see what you’re getting into before jumping in. She carefully took a couple of steps toward where she thought the cry came from, in the back of the room behind some filing cabinets. "Ooooooo yes" she heard again as she got closer. It sure sounded like someone was having a hell of a lot of fun. As she got close enough to see around the cabinets that hid the action, partially, she could only see two obviously feminine legs, on a spread-out blanket no less, but oddly, they were pointed knees down, not up, and they were not spread. "Oh yes, baby slut, yes." the high-pitched voice gasped in a sort of a whisper, as if she was trying to keep the noise down. Marsha took another cautious step, and this revealed the outlines of what was happening. Although neither upper body was revealed, you could see a superbly sexy ass on the girl whose belly was on the blanket, and you could see the calves and feet of—another woman? -- on either side of the ass. The legs were spread and the knees bent. With a shock and thrill, Marsha realized they were two girls. The librarian relaxed somewhat. With no boys, there was less of a physical threat. These days, you couldn’t just burst in on students engaged in illegal or immoral activities without running the risk of being a part of those activities in a very unpleasant way. But who were the girls, and was there a boy there she didn’t see yet? Another quiet step closer. The room was lit only by two skylights, and the light was adequate but not bright. But once she got a look at the head of the girl doing the licking, she recognized instantly the red mane of Lisa Cunningham. No surprise there. Lisa was well known among students and faculty alike as being both bisexual and promiscuous. Secretly, Marsha had in fact invited Lisa to many a private orgy in the fantasy space inside her brain. Together, in the darkness of her apartment, alone in her bed, the librarian had fantasized nearly every nasty combination two girls could get into with Lisa as her co-pilot. Now she was seeing the real thing. Marsha could feel her emotions changing. The arousal that she had crept into this back room with, had begun to return. Two girls, licking one another! How she’d wished she had the guts, or the stupidity, to be able to hook up with Lisa or a few of the other bisexual or lesbian students. Her cunt had told her yes a thousand times, but her brain always overrode it. Now all she could do was watch. Who was the other? The librarian took one step closer, trying to see around the cabinets. But it was risky. She noticed a little stool near her, and carefully pulled it over. She stood up on it, slowly, and was able to get an above view over the cabinets at the lusty lesbian sex scene not fifteen feet away in the dimly-lit room. The other girl was blonde and looked much older. Her head was turned away, but she soon in her pleasure agony turned it face up. Then Marsha got her second shock in as many minutes: Joan Chen, the guidance counselor! Holy Mary Mother of God! While she, Marsha, had been a proper employee, the seemingly conservative Joan was getting it on with the sexiest girl in school! She felt a twinge of envy mixed in with the shock. It was even more shocking, considering not only that no one could have suspected the proper Miss Chen of sexual misconduct, but also that Joan was obviously dating the equally conservative John Renfield. Now Marsha was watching her not just have sex with a student, of the same sex, but also cheat on her boyfriend into the bargain. I should just creep out of here, Marsha thought. No need to get mixed up in this; it’s between Joan and Lisa. Yes: that’s what she thought, but that’s not what she did. She did not move from the stool. Her eyes took in the lewd scene, but her body did not respond except to stand there, and start the sluice gates between her legs flowing again. "Jesus Christ you cuntlicking little whore, you’re gonna kill me with that sweet tongue." Joan gasped and grunted as Lisa’s head bobbed up and down between her spread legs. The teen was not being subtle. Her tongue swiped and flicked at the older woman’s hard clit, stopping only to dip deep inside and scoop up the overflowing honey that cascaded from the desperately aroused guidance counselors hot slit. "Tongue fuck me till I cum in your face." Joan swore fiercely. A man might have misunderstood this to mean put his tongue in her vagina, but Lisa knew what she meant was to get her off fast. She puckered her sweet sexy lips around the hard little nubbin of pleasure, and at the same time both sucked on it, and laved it with her tongue. The purpose was to induce orgasm, and the expert oral act did it’s job well. Marsha watched from her perch rapt, hardly even blinking, as the athletic body of the sexy Joan began its cum. First, her toes curled, then her legs flexed and her hips rose up off the blanket. Her head arched back as far as possible, as with her eyes tight shut she began gasping "yes yes fuck yes oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Her hips began hunching almost violently against the embedded face of the sucking teenager. Marsha could see Lisa’s tits and ass quiver as her body absorbed the shocks the humping loins of the older woman administered to her. She took it without complaint, holding her face tight against the spasming cunt. "Aaaaaggggghhhhhh!" Joan gargled, and her hips made two more heaves off the blanket before settling down. Her chest pumped air as the sexy Lisa seemed to gently lick and kiss the open wet slit. Eventually, the teen left her pleasure nest and rested her head on the upper thigh of the sprawled Joan. The girl’s whole face was shiny and slick with Joan’s cum honey, it even covered her cute little rounded pug nose. "God, Joan, I though you were going to hump my nose off." Lisa smiled through her cum-covered lips. She began to lick them like a cat licking the remnants of milk from its mouth. Joan could talk only in bursts. "You make me cum that hard...honey you better get out of the way...or take the consequences." "But you told me you wanted me to keep my tongue up in your cunt as far as it would go when you came." Lisa reminded her. "That’s right." Joan replied. What, did the girl want her to make sense twenty seconds after one of the most mind-blowing cums of her life? Marsha was rooted to her spot. Now that the women were no longer distracted by their sexual activity, they could possibly hear any slight move she made. She held herself still as a statue, but her eyes kept staring at the blanket and the two women. Lisa was entirely naked, she didn’t even have socks on. Joan on the other hand still had on her dress, but it was pushed up to her waist, and her panties and shoes and socks lay on the floor with Lisa’s blouse and pants and other clothes. Joan’s chest eventually settled back to normal breathing, and she propped her head up on one arm, to look down at Lisa’s freckled face framed by the red hair, still resting on a thigh, still covered with Joan’s own special honey. The older woman stretched her other arm down to the smiling face, and tenderly ran her fingers over the upturned side of the teens head, near her ear. "You don’t really mind if I call you things like slut and whore when we’re fucking, do you honey?" Joan asked gently. "No, I want to be your slut, and your whore. I want to give myself to you completely, like I never have to anyone else. You have my body and soul. I’ll do anything for you, and anything with you, and anything to you." "That’s sweet baby. And John too, you’ll do whatever we ask?" "Yes, I will. If you want, I’ll do anything with anyone, and let anything be done to me." "Sweet Lisa, as your counselor I have to tell you that’s a promise you should never make to anyone, not even me, nor to any other lover. Anything covers too much. I wouldn’t want you to be hurt, now or in the future. Their are plenty of people out there that will pretend to love you only to abuse you. Men and women. But I want you to know that with me, and with John, you’ll be safe and never hurt. Do you understand?" "I trust you, that’s why I made the offer." Lisa replied. Marsha began to feel uncomfortable. It was one thing to watch the two fuck, but somehow it seemed an even worse invasion of their privacy to listen to their intimate talk. Besides, she was learning things she wasn’t sure she wanted to know: like that Renfield was in on this too. God, how depraved. And she was just as depraved, really, as she stood still, a peeping Tomasina, her own cunt leaking honey from the arousal she felt. She wanted to get out and leave, but was fearful that any noise would alert them to her presence. If they would just start the sex again, she’d leave under cover of their distraction once they got into it. "Joan, I’ve been naughty again." she heard Lisa say. "In what way?" Joan asked. "I let a man cum in my pussy again." "Who was it?" "It was Dr. Kelly. He shot his cum up in me when I went to my appointment." "You’re a very naughty girl, Lisa." "It’s even worse, Miss Chen. Not only did he shoot his hot load of cum all in my pussy, but he shot another load on my face. And his receptionist Wendy shot her cum out of her pussy on my face too, twice, the second time while Dr. Kelly was shooting his." "Did you protest this, naughty girl?" Joan could feel her own cunt getting a surge as the hot words spilled out. God, was this girl ever a hot slut, and a precious find. "No, Miss Chen, I’m so naughty that I was begging for it. I wanted his big long dick stuffed inside me. I wanted him to cum on and in me. When I saw Wendy shoot juice out when she came, I wanted that too. I drank it down, Miss Chen." "So he has a big cock, and you wanted it. And you say this Wendy girl shoots juice out of her pussy when she cums? Are you lying to me, naughty girl?" "No, Miss Chen, I’d never seen that before, but she cums almost like a man, except her cum is clear and tastes like girl cum, and squirts from her pussy hole." Joan had never seen this either, but she’d heard and read about it. "You have been a bad girl, Lisa. Do you think you need punishment?" "Yes, Miss Chen, I know I do. My ass needs to be spanked, to atone for the trouble I keep getting into." "Alright, there’s a chair over there. Bring it here and set it up right on the blanket." Joan ordered. Why there was this chair in the AV storage room she didn’t know. Nor could she imagine that Marsha put it there, to sit in while she masturbated after school following reading of nasty lesbian spanking stories. The watching Marsha could not help but feel an incredible thrill shoot through her body as she realized the sexy young girl was going to be spanked. Spanking was one of her secret thrills. She was no virgin, she had had girls, and they had had her. But she was always turned on by the idea of being spanked. And in her twenty-five years she had never felt such a strong surge of lust as she felt now. She could not leave and miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance. Below her, Lisa, nude, fetched the chair and placed it on the blanket. Joan got up, and sat in it. Lisa submissively, and without instruction, lay down in her lap with her mouth-watering ass raised for it’s punishment. "Up on your toes, bad girl." Joan ordered. Lisa raised up on her toes. "Now, how many whacks for your sins?" "Ten whacks, Miss Chen?" Lisa asked in her submissive voice. "I think fifteen. Five for the doctors cum in your pussy, and five for his cum in your face, and five for Wendy’s cum in your face. Do you agree?" "Yes, Miss Chen." "Now, naughty girl, this time I want you to raise your ass towards the hand that spanks it. Every time I spank you, your ass will drop down. You are to raise it, to ask for the next one, is that clear?" Lisa felt a rush of lust at this new twist. She was begging for the spanking by raising her ass up. She said "Yes, Miss Chen", and pushed her ass cheeks up for the first delicious whack. Smack! The first blow landed, causing the sting of pleasure to shoot through the sexy teen’s body. She didn’t know why this kink was so exciting, but it was to her. Even the pain was like pleasure, so long as Joan didn’t hit her too hard, and she knew she wouldn’t. "Now, what is this for, bad girl?" Joan asked. "For letting Dr. Kelly shoot his cum inside me." Lisa replied. "Raise your ass again." Joan ordered. Lisa did. Whack! The ass jerked and jiggled from the blow. "No," Joan said, "not for letting, Lisa, for what?" "For wanting, Miss Chen. I am so bad I wanted it. I begged for it. I wanted his dick and his cum. I wanted to cum too, so bad. I needed it Miss Chen." She said this as she raised her ass submissively for another blow. The honey was flowing freely from her cunt, and from Joan’s also. This kinky sex game turned them both on fiercely. Marsha was more turned on than she had ever been in her life. Her pussy would not allow itself to go untouched any longer. She slowly moved both hands down to her pants, and unbuttoned the top. Carefully she unzipped the zipper, until she could get her hand down into the top and under her panties, into the warm wet depths of her overflowing cunt. Her finger settled over the hard nub of her clit, where it began to gently diddle. Oh god, it felt so good she wanted to moan, but she had to keep her mouth shut. But not her eyes, which never left the wicked scene. "What happened when he came on your face, slut?" "Oh, Miss Chen, Wendy was on top of me in a sixty-nine, and he was fucking her in the ass, and they both were ready to cum, and she asked him to pull out and shoot on my face while she did too, and he did, and they both squirted their cum on my face at the same time." "God, Lisa, that is hot." Joan had lost her concentration in the shock of the sexy words. "Did you want to be fucked up the ass too, naughty little slut girl?" "Yes, Miss Chen, I like to be fucked up the ass, but his cock was so big I was afraid of it." "You like things up your hot little ass don’t you?" Joan said seductively, She put her finger in her mouth to wet it with saliva, and then put it up to Lisa’s asshole. "You want my finger up your ass, don’t you, naughty girl?" Oh, God, thought Marsha; if she puts that finger up her ass I’m going to cum right here. "Yes, Miss Chen, I’m a naughty slut. Please, please finger fuck my ass and then punish me for wanting it." Joan’s finger began to push into Lisa’s tight ass. Marsha diddled furiously. The Irish girl had cum many times, of course, but never standing upright on a stool while having to keep her mouth totally shut. And certainly, she’d never counted on having one of the top three or four hardest cums of her life in that position. But it happened. Her body began to tense deliciously, and she knew she couldn’t stop it. Her eyes narrowed and then closed, as she concentrated all her available willpower on keeping quiet. But the orgasm burst inside her with such force she thought she might faint with ecstasy. Her body was so tight with unbearable pleasure she thought she was about to break in half. And she couldn’t even breathe hard without being overheard. She was up on a stool, and began to feel her legs weaken. She reflexively moved her arm to steady herself, even as the waves of pleasure pulsed through her. The effort to keep quiet was all the remnants of her conscious mind could handle. The arm caught a bottle someone had left on the top of the cabinet. CRASH!!! The sound was loud and near in the small quiet room. Joan’s head jerked up. Jesus! Someone was in here! Marsha meanwhile had her head down as she tried to silently ride the waves of the ecstasy. But her pants had worked down below her hips, and as she tried to hold on after she heard the crash, the shock just sent her tumbling off the stool and smack down on her ass on the bare hard floor, pants now down around her knees. She could just barely hear the frantically whispered command from Joan "Quick get over there in the corner!". Now I’m buggered to end all, was the thought in Marsha’s mind as she sat there stunned for a moment with both pleasure and pain. Lisa scrambled frantically, grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around her, and heading for a corner where she could hide behind a little shelf. As she ducked behind it, she realized what a pickle they were probably in. Joan thought quickly. Someone had come in, and that was someone with a key, someone important. What was the crash and the subsequent thumping around? Possibly the principal, who might even now have knocked something over in his hurry to get out and find the forms necessary to fire her in disgrace. The only hope was to advance, and brazen it out. At least, she still had her dress on. But she had to intercept whoever it was before they could get back to the little scene that was still incriminating, because in her haste Lisa had left her clothes scattered in disorder. She could only hope it was a man with a poor nose—any woman could smell the scent of sex hovering thickly in the room. The odds of getting out of this were low, but she had to try. Joan charged towards the cabinets. Rounding the corner, she saw no one until she looked down—to see, to her shock, the brown-haired young Irish librarian on the floor, her hair a mess, trying to pull up her pants! A shattered glass bottle lay in shards on the floor. "Are you all right?" was all Joan could think to say. But even as she said it, the shock and pulse-pounding adrenaline rush was starting to turn to relief. No principal, only a girl five years younger than her, and—incredibly—she must have been peeping at us. Pants being pulled up. "I’m so sorry! So sorry!" Marsha blurted in confusion. She was even more flustered than Joan. Her ass hurt but otherwise she thought she had not broken anything. "I’m okay, I really am, yes, but I’m sorry. I just...I just..." Marsha could not even think of a lame, hopeless excuse. "I just should be going now..." she blundered on. But it was hard to even get up, she had not only just fallen but also just cum with an incredible orgasm. "Here, let me help." Joan offered her hand, and pulled the sputtering girl up from the floor. Marsha looked down at her pants, and saw them unbuttoned and the zipper down. God, how embarrassing. She blushed deeply and tried to apologize again. She didn’t know which would look worse, buttoning and zipping up the pants now, or walking out with them undone. "What were you doing?" Joan asked. Joan and Marsha knew each other and were speaking acquaintances, but by no means friends. Not that either disliked the other. "I....." Marsha’s voice trailed off. What could you say? "You were watching, weren’t you?" Joan’s nature was to take control, and this was the only way she could see to do it. The librarian had obviously been peeping, and at the least had seen her spank and talk dirty to Lisa, and put a finger in her ass. No one could pretend that wasn’t sex, and kinky sex at that. But Marsha had made herself liable by watching and even, from the looks of it, masturbating as she watched. Joan had to make her a co-conspirator. Marsha could not reply for a bit. She looked at the floor. In spite of the fact that she had only watched, while the taller Joan had actually spanked and fondled and had sex with a student, it was Marsha who felt like she’d been caught red-handed with her fingers in the cookie jar. Her body language said submission. Joan felt better with each passing second. "Yes." she finally admitted, her head down. By this time, Lisa had emerged from behind the shelf, blanket still wrapped around her, and slowly approached the two adults. Marsha looked up. "Hi, Miss Long." Lisa said. Marsha didn’t reply. "What did you see?" asked Joan. Marsha didn’t know what to say. "Do you want to know?" she asked. "Yes, I want to know." Joan replied firmly. "I saw everything, or almost everything. I saw Lisa, uh, having oral sex with you, and then I saw you spank her." the librarian answered truthfully, but then she started to recover her native good sense, and said "Can’t we just forget this? You two were wrong to be doing it, and I was wrong to watch, so let’s just both forget it, ok?" Marsha said this, head down again. Joan was having none of it. She put her forefinger under the Irish girls chin, and raised her face to look up. The brown eyes of Marsha met the blue eyes of Joan. "Can you forget it?" asked the taller woman, "And do you want to forget it?" The answer was a good ten seconds in coming. "No, I can’t really forget it, and also... I don’t really want to." "Were you masturbating when you watched us?" Joan asked. This was bold, but her reading of the girl was that she would be safest on their side, not against them. It was a tough thing to admit to, but when you’re caught literally with your pants down, lying just makes you seem even more ridiculous. "Yes, I was." she admitted. Joan felt the thrilling surge of the adrenaline in her body, now that the panic had subsided. There was something about being so close to the edge that made you feel so alive. To have nearly lost your job in humiliating disgrace, and yet to have taken control and be directing things, handling this young librarian who theoretically could still devastate you—that was power. "Well, that was naughty, wasn’t it, Marsha?" Joan used the exact same voice she had used to say the same thing to Lisa earlier. She knew Marsha had heard that. She knew that the librarian would know what that tone meant. She just hoped she was interpreting the body language right. But right now, she felt so powerful that no bet she made could fail. Marsha stood and heard the voice, with it’s unmistakable invitation in it to join the fun. But her good sense said no. She wavered. "Y-Yes, it was improper." She tried to sound neutral. But Joan knew which screw to turn. She knew, now, the point at which the peeping girl had cum. "Which part made you so hot, Marsha?" "Ah, all of it." Marsha was playing along. If she was going to bolt, she already would have, Joan knew. "No, it was the spanking wasn’t it?" Joan had a firm tone in her voice. Marsha knew she was caught now. There was no point in denying it. She felt a release of tension in her body. She also felt the beginning of a new surge of arousal between her legs the moment she heard her voice say "Yes." "That’s good, Marsha. That’s good that you admit it. Lisa and I admit our sexual desires, that’s why we get along so well. Isn’t that right, Lisa?" "That’s right." Lisa replied. Marsha had almost forgotten her after looking into Joan’s blue eyes. She looked up to see the girl still standing about five feet away, still wrapped in the green blanket. "Lisa, drop that blanket please, and let us see your gorgeous body." Joan requested. Lisa dropped the blanket instantly. She stood proud and upright in her nakedness. "Have you ever seen anything more beautiful, more sexy?" Joan asked Marsha. "That’s a body made for pleasure, made for fucking, for tasting, for licking and rubbing. Turn around sweetie." Lisa spun around, enjoying the two pairs of lusty eyes on her body. "What an ass that is, isn’t it?" Joan enthused. "Perfect for playing with, for kissing, for fucking. And...for spanking, isn’t it Marsha? How could anyone in their right mind resist?" "Oh yes!" Marsha was no longer playing like the proper employee. "Turns you on, doesn’t it? Nothing wrong with being turned on by such a girl as Lisa. Admit it, you’re wet right now, aren’t you?" This is crazy, this is so kinky, this is soooooo exciting Marsha thought. In for a dime, in for a dollar as the Americans put it. She knew these two could not blackmail or otherwise harass her, because she had more on them than they had on her. She felt safe enough to say the final words of commitment: "Yes, Joan, my panties are soaking right now." "Oh, Marsha, that is very, very naughty you know. First, you sneak in a peep on us in our private moments, and diddle your little clit until you cum, and now you’re ogling one of our students and admitting your cunt is leaking honey. Isn’t that naughty?" Marsha felt the sudden whip of excitement as she realized what was happening. All she had to do was play along, and... and... that firm hand would be coming down on her reddened and upraised ass. Yes! "Very naughty, Joan. But I can’t seem to help it." "I know you can’t, because you’re a naughty girl just like Lisa is, aren’t you? And you know what we do to naughty girls, don’t you?" "Yes, I do know, and I think I deserve it. I deserve it very much." "Bend over, Lisa." Joan ordered, "And spread your pussy lips for us." Lisa did as ordered, spreading her legs wide and jutting out her ass at the two horny spectators, then reached back around and pulled her cheeks apart to reveal the pink wet slit between them. The action was incredibly slutty and arousing, not just the way she did it, but the unhesitating speed of it. She had not the slightest sense of shame at lewdly exposing her private parts for public viewing. "I think you would deserve it even more if you got on your knees and licked that hot slit that is presented to you." Joan said, in a voice that barely concealed her own excitement. Marsha did not answer, she just took two steps forward and dropped to her knees, clothes still on, and took the sexy ass in her hands, then without hesitation put her face between the two perfect mounds and extended her tongue. She lasciviously licked broadly and nastily up and down the fully exposed length of Lisa’s rear. The burst of pleasure made the young girl grab her knees for support. God, I’ve found another one, Joan thought. Lisa must draw them like magnets: girls who, some beneath staid exteriors, are just seething masses of sexual urges, waiting to be unleashed by the sexy body and even sexier manner of the teenaged fertility goddess. Men too, of course, but it was no wonder they dissolved in lust at her feet. "That’s right, lick and suck it like a nasty slut." Joan ordered, but she didn’t really need to, Marsha had let her inhibitions go and was doing now what she’d dreamed about so many nights this long school year. Lick and suck the cunt of the luscious Lisa Cunningham. Joan let it go on and on, feeling the flow of her own honey let loose, hearing the moans begin in the throat of the deep-voiced young girl, feeling the keen excitement of knowing they were getting even kinkier on school property, that any minute someone with a key could unlock the door right behind them and nothing stood in the way of the intruder seeing everything. But Joan somehow felt invulnerable. The near-miss scare would have frightened off most people, but not her. She had to admit, she loved the edge. She loved being reckless. Marsha was slurping noisily, trying, it seemed, to lick the teen clean even though the more she licked, the messier it got back there. "That’s enough." Joan ordered, and Marsha reluctantly stopped. "I know you both want to get your rocks off, but Marsha has been bad, and she must be punished. Come with me. Lisa, spread the blanket back down, and put the chair back on it." Once the chair was on the blanket, Joan sat in it and ordered the librarian to pull down her pants. She did, without any hesitation. "Very good, Marsha. I like how fast your did that. Do you still feel the need for punishment?" "Yes, I do. Very much." she meekly replied. "Now, you have been naughty in three ways." Joan said to her, "First, you peeped and masturbated. Then, you licked Lisa’s cunt and ass. And third, you stopped before she came. Is that not three transgressions?" The absurdity of this did not escape Marsha, but she was far gone in lust, and agreed that she had. She knew it was only a kinky exciting game. A game she loved. You must atone for all three at once." Joan said. "Lisa, lie down on this blanket, right here," she indicated a stop beside the chair where her victim’s face might be, "and spread your legs wide and open your cunt lips again." Lisa scrambled into position and did it. "Now naughty girl," Joan was looking at Marsha as she spoke, " lay down over my lap with your ass up in the air and your lips in the pussy of the girl you left without her well-deserved cum. Will you do that?" The Irish girl was so excited she could not speak. Her legs seemed to tremble. She could only nod yes, and then get into position. It was the lewdest, kinkiest, nastiest combination she’d ever dreamed of. And it was happening for real. But she had trouble reaching low enough to get to the offered wet slit, and Lisa had to solve the problem by gathering up a good part of the blanket and stuffing it under her ass. This raised it enough for Marsha to be able to properly lick her clit to orgasm. "Now," Joan ordered, "You must raise your ass like Lisa did for every single whack. It is your way of begging for it, like it was hers. While you are spanked, you will eat pussy. The spanking will only stop once Lisa has cum on your mouth. Do you understand that?" Marsha could only nod yes from her position between the teenagers lewdly wide spread legs. Whack! Joan’s hand came down on Marsha’s pretty white ass, making a red spot the side of her hand. The sharp, sexually thrilling sting popped through her body, reminding her to tend to Lisa’s clit. She puckered her lips, and began to suck, lick and lap at the hard nub of the sexy teen’s exposed and yearning clit. Whack! the blow came again. Marsha licked harder. Lisa began to squirm and moan. It was incredible to her that she could control, by her own cum, the length of time the school librarian had to take her spanking. It was wickedly thrilling. She loved it, and showed it by deliberately wiggling and rubbing her cunt on the struggling woman’s face, spreading her hot girl honey all over it. "You naughty nasty cunt licker." Joan muttered as she spanked the now more and more reddened ass before her. But Marsha could hardly hear. Her world consisted of only two things: the hard wet tangy clit of the squirming and moaning student in her mouth, and the hot hard pleasurable and painful stings of the ass whipping she was taking. She remembered to raise up her ass for every slap. "Oh ,fuck, yes, god, don’t stop... yes... fuck, lick it, oh yeah." Lisa moaned and groaned out a string of obscenities. Joan had taught her how to talk dirty during sex, and do it good. Soon the pleasure of the tongue and lips on her clit peaked. She rose and hunched and groaned "yes, yes yes YES YES YES!! Fuuuuuuuuck!" as she came. "Cum good, slut." Joan almost moaned, as she stopped spanking Marsha. Her hand hurt a little. But her cunt was tingling and letting the honey flow copiously. Marsha raised her ass up again for more. But Joan had a surprise for her. The librarian was expecting another slap, but instead she felt a fingertip on her asshole, pushing in. "OH YES!" she almost yelled. "Bugger me!" Joan did. She had wet her finger, and pushed it in the tight ass without pause. Once she had it in up to the knuckle, she worked it around in circles. Marsha thought the sensation would just about kill her. She moaned and gasped "Awwwwwwwwww fuck me". But then, more fingers went pushing into her cunt. "Aggggggggah!" and she began to squirm her ass uncontrollably. When the hand that held the fingers that were in her began to saw them in and out, the sweet agony sent her over the peak of a crashing orgasm. "Cum you horny bitch!" Joan grunted as the girl in her lap hunched and thrashed and moaned. The librarian had lost all control. She was a bundle of nerves, all raw and exposed. The fingers were still in her. "Gaaaaaaaa!" she groaned, and came again, right on top of the last one. Her body was humping like mad. Grunts and gasps escaped her lips. Eventually, she quieted a little. When she did, still gasping but no longer hunching and moaning, Joan pushed her off her lap onto the floor unceremoniously. "Get up and lick me off, Lisa. Hurry... hurry!" Joan pulled up her dress to expose her sopping cunt and a puddle of wetness on the chair where she had been sitting. Lisa, always game, rose up and crawled over the librarian sprawled on her side with her blouse and pants still on, but pulled down to expose her reddish whipped white ass. The teen dove right into the needy pussy of the older woman, and began to lick furiously at the exposed clit. Within seconds, Joan arched and bit her lip to keep from screaming as the cum tore through her like liquid fire. She hunched and thrust at Lisa, but by now the eighteen-year-old was used to Joan’s violent motions during orgasm, and held her tongue deep in the hot tangy hole as her mentor came violently. Within a minute, the convulsive orgasms of the three women quieted. The room once again was still. Joan reached down lanquidly and hugged Lisa, and then they both fell together on the messed up blanket amid the strewn clothes and shoes and socks and debris, and wrapped their loving arms around the still prone Marsha, and hugged her and kissed her. None cared that they were still in a high-risk zone, even if school was long since out. They were learning to love living on the edge. They were getting used to being reckless.

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