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Mother-In-Law Sex Pt 4, Ex Mother-in-Law

Mother-in-Law Sex, Pt4: Ex Mother-in-Law I was offered a 3 month consulting position in another Asian country where I had worked before, and in fact where I had been married before for 6 years, before my then-wife ran off with another man and demanded a divorce, which I didn’t want and fought to keep her, win her back, but after 2 years reluctantly agreed. Into my third week, I was in the local market, around the corner from the small house which had been provided me, and I literally ran into my ex-mother-in-law. Ironically, the 2 languages in my new countries...


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My Wife's Best Friend

My wife's best friend, Laura, was very close to the two of us. She spent so much time with us because her boyfriend, Tom, worked out of town a lot. His job often sent him away with short notice and an uncertain return date. Frankly, I don't know how Laura coped with it. Their relationship had to be difficult, with many lonely nights for both of them. When Tom was away, Laura was often over at our place. Laura and my wife, Rachel, had known each other since they started college. I had gotten comfortable enough with Laura that our conversations...


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The Island, Chapter 20

Chapter 20 After reuniting with the group at the lake, we all trooped back to camp, tired and happy. Janie’s fun with Christopher had left her horny and unfulfilled, so I spent my last remaining energy fucking her before bed, entertaining her with stories of my latest sexual encounters with Alyssa and Alison. I suggested she might need to have a talk with Madison; the girl was a little precocious for her own good. She surprised me by admitting nothing had come of the hunting trip with the field hockey team. They had neither caught a pig nor had any sort...


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Adulteress' Punishment

***Disclaimer: This story has strong nonconsent themes. I do not condone any of these acts in real life and this is a dark fantasy - nothing less, nothing more.*** Miranda awoke in a large shipping container about 8 by 40 foot long. That's all she knew as she came to from whatever he'd drugged her with. Miranda Shaw was a beautiful 23-year-old girl. She was 5'4, slim almost to the point of petite, with long, charcoal-dark hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and perfectly shaped breasts which were neither too small nor too big. Jake Shaw, Miranda's husband, was her opposite in...


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The Carnival Chapter 4

I thought about last night as I ate lunch at Danny Kaye’s Pizza, the only place within a mile of the carnival lot. The weather had been cold and drizzly for two days. It was a welcome change to spend last night in a nice warm and cozy trailer, especially with three beautiful women. I never expected it was to become a memorable moment in my life. The more I replayed last night’s adventure the more confused I became as to how everything unfolded. I had too much to drink and apparently passed out. I awoke in the dead of night...


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Pervert Camp

My mom came from work one day only to tell me that we are going to camp for next 7 days. She was too tired from work and wanted a few days off. Her colleague owns a nice farm. He didn't refuse her to use it for camping. Pretty harmless place with some trees and a lake. She asked me to pack our bags so that we can leave for the camping trip in the evening and reach by night. I went to my room to pack stuffs up. I am 19. My mom is 40. I really don't know about...


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The Rose Garden 4

Beth bit her lower lip nervously as Brian led her naked form to the device on the left side of the clearing, a modified saw horse with an upper bench about two hands wide and covered with soft padded leather. Its solid mahogany legs carried anchors to which Beth’s wrist and ankle cuffs were attached after they laid her naked body on the bench face down. The angle of the bench’s legs spread Beth’s legs apart to reveal her pussy and bum hole, and it was the latter that attracted Riff’s attention. She had never allowed him that hole, and now...


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Apple Pickers

CAUTION: This is a love story. Apple Pickers Each picking season it is always hard for me to realize that there really is a need for cheap disposable labor. Migrant workers serve a valuable need. These modern day nomads travel from crop to crop at harvest season up and down to coast. They can pick green beans one week, fresh blueberries the next week, and ripe apples a month later. They just show up. You don’t have to tell them when the fruit is ripe or even ask them to come. They just show up, ask for work, and get out...


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My Dream of You

I find myself swimming through a mist-filled lake suddenly…not really remembering how I got there, to this place of magic and mystery…green streamers of moss and old branches, writing the stories of their once beautiful blooming flowers on the warm, clear water. I can hear the echo of gentle waves lapping the shores of a distant beach somewhere in the distance. The night is bright with radiant stars and a glowing full moon. I swim around the lake, enjoying the warmth and steam as it envelops my naked body. I float on my back for a while, staring up at the...


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I hadn’t had a man blow me for weeks and the thought of three other people watching another man blow me, then fucking an older lady while they watched sounded exciting - isn’t that what sex is about - excitement and pleasure? We agreed on the terms and conditions and I stressed no male penetration of my body. I was in my late teens when I first realised I had a much bigger cock than other boys my age.I copped lots of good-natured ribbing about it when changing while playing various sports. By the time I was twenty I had lost...


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