Nerd son and Mom

Nerd son and Mom

Nerd son & Mom

A Mom and her Nerdy son, a four-part story of becoming a cum slut.

Janet Bigs was a 38-year-old widow, she had red hair, a set of 38E tits an ass she kept tight by working out three days a week. Janet was a MILF. Her son Wally was a small boy for his age but being a sophomore in high school he had several years yet to grow. Wally was he class brain, so kids were always asking him with help on their homework. He tried out for the soccer team he just made the cut as third string goalie.

The seniors were the first-string players, their center a 6’1” blond hair boy named Terry was Captain of the team. Terry was always picking on him Wally calling him names and generally making fun of him. Wally wanted him to stop but was too afraid to confront him, he figured after a while he’d get tired and move on.

Every practice one of the players moms would bring soda and sandwiches. This week was Janet’s turn, as she unloaded her van Terry who had been watching the team work got a good look at her. From that moment on all could think about was fucking her.

He sauntered over to her, he introduced himself. Janet was starved for male attention, so she was bubbling with enthusiasm to talk to him. Wally watched from the side lines as Terry was now joined by Ralph the only black guy on the team. He was a senior as well, he was very fast so not many opponents could keep up with him.

Wally realized his mom with thoroughly enjoying the male attention, her body language was giving her away.

Practice ended, the guys came over to eat the sandwiches and soda Janet had brought. Terry and Ralph kept up the conversation even after Wally appeared. A short while after Wally asked her if they could leave, she sighed but agreed. Terry came over to her as they were getting in the car, she was standing outside with him for several seconds then she gave him a big smile and got in to go home.

No sooner had they left the parking lot then Wally asked her what that was about. She seemed flustered then answered, “I think you should get to know the guys on the team better”. Wally gave her a look, “well perhaps but Terry and Ralph aren’t my friends so leave them alone”. They rode home in silence after that.

She prepared dinner as Wally was on his computer, he saw a strange email with the heading “For the Nerd”! He opened it to see his mom flirting with both Ralph and Terry, the conversation was clear as bell. He heard Janet speaking, “of course I like you guys, of course I’d like to have a drink but first I have my job, then there’s Wally it would be difficult for me to meet you”. Now he heard Terry, “look Jan Friday is night practice before the game on Saturday how about after the game”?

Now he heard his mom say, “Ralph are you rubbing my butt”? He responded instantly “yes its wonderful”. Then he heard her gasp, Terry turned her around placed his mouth on hers as his tongue entered her mouth she offered no resistance. It appeared she gave almost no resistance, Ralph had it on Video, as the separated Ralph spun her around and repeated the maneuver. He held her for what seemed to be over a minute. When they separated, she was flushed, she appeared to have totally enjoyed the experience.

The screen went black again but her heard her say, “well with an offer like this I guess I’ll just have to work something out, now we really must get back”. As they headed for the field Terry asked her “Jan how big are the girls”? She was giggling as she responded 38E.

Wally could not believe it; his mom had been felt up by two people he hated. The worst part was she seemed to enjoy it she had agreed to meet them, Saturday after the game. She called him for dinner.

They sat they made small talk mostly about the game, but she constantly brought up Terry and Ralph. She had started to clear the dishes when her phone rang, as she looked down, she got a smile on her face. She answered, “hold on please, Wally be a dear put the dishes in the sink I’ll be in my room its work”.

He quickly put the dishes in the sink, quickly he went into the guest room closet, so he could hear her conversation.

“Ralph honey that’s not the kind of question you ask a girl. She giggled but I’ll tell you I’ve never wasted a drop”. More giggling and laughter, “you guys are certainly direct, is this the way dating goes today? Oh really, well then I guess its ok”. There was silence, so he figured Ralph was telling her something. “Ok Ralph if you guys want Saturday night the game will end about 9, Wally and I should be home by 10. He’s usually very tired after a game so he goes to his room”. She started laughing, “Ralph I don’t think he’s up there jerking off while watching porn I think he goes to sleep. Now listen around 11:30 come to the back door I’ll let you in you have to be quiet until we get to the basement.”

“Ok honey I’m looking forward to seeing you guys as well”. Wally heard her coming out of her room, so he waited till she had looked in his room seeing no one she headed for the den.

After the game they were home by 10:05 as they came in Janet asked Wally if he wanted something to eat, he grunted no “I’m tired I’m going to bed”. He went upstairs without saying good night, she wondered if he was jerking off to porn in his room as she headed for her bedroom.

By 11 she had changed into pink very tight boy shorts a pink, lace bra a pink garter belt with black stockings and a pair of 4” heels in pink, she admired herself in the mirror. She thought you should always be prepared. Now she put on Leopard print leggings and a black blouse. She was ready.

Standing in the kitchen she poured herself two double shots of vodka, she swigged them right down. Next, she opened a bottle of wine pour a glass and gulped it down. She poured a second glass and sat down to wait.

At exactly 11:30 she heard a soft knock at the back door, she opened the door and Ralph and Terry came in. The had brought two bottles of wine, a 12 pack of beer and three large joints. She put her finger to her lips as she led them to the basement.

Wally had fallen asleep in his boxers, at 4:30 he got up to go pee, as he entered the hall way him mom was coming up the stairs his eyes opened wide as she was a sight. She was only wearing pink boy shorts which were completely soaked front and back. She had cum in her hair on her face, chest, her lips had cum crusted on them. She smelled of sex, her appearance was that of a woman fucked stupid.

They both looked at each other Janet spoke her voice slurred by drink, “honey why are you up”? he looked at her “I have to pee” was the response. Without another word she walked past him into her room she closed the door.

After his pee he went to his room, his computer was showing email. He opened it was from Ralph, her looser we’ve attached a file for your pleasure see you soon.

Wally looked at the folder it was titled MOM! He opened the file, there was Terry, Ralph and his mom sitting in the basement talking. He was shocked as they offered her a joint which she accepted.

No sooner was she finished with the joint then Ralph put on some slow music. Terry stood up he extended her his hand, “hey beautiful want to dance”? Taking his hand, she rose on wobbling legs, he pulled her very close they started dancing. Ralph was using a recording device other then his phone as the picture and sound were HD quality.

Wally could see Terry’s hands all over her ass, without a word he slipped his thumbs in the elastic waist band of her leggings. With one quick movement the leggings dropped to her ankles. Terry pushed her back, so they could admire her, “god Jan you looks smoking hot, how about letting the girls get ogled a bit”? She stepped back while she removed her blouse and bra, she stood they in nothing but pink tight boy shorts. “Do you gentlemen like the look”?

Both guys had huge smiles, Ralph stood up he led her to the sofa she sat down. In less then 1 minute both guys were naked showing very large cocks. Janet smiled, “my god are these both for me”? The guys just smiled they started sucking her nipples while they both massaged her clit and slit.

In less then a minute she was breathing heavily, her hips were undulating, “if you guys don’t stop this very moment your going to jerk me off is that what you want”? Ralph let go of her nipple, “yes Jan were planning on it being one of many tonight”.

Thirty seconds later her pussy convulsed in a large orgasm. They both stopped sucking her nipples, so they could see her face. It was clear this woman needed cock, pussy juice was flowing from her for thirty seconds.

Ralph moved between her legs, she grabbed the waistband of her panties, she lifted her ass to help get them off. He was lapping her clit which was swollen. “Oh, my I’m going to cum again, baby eat that pussy it really needs it”, this is what she got out as another orgasm ripped through her.

She looked at Ralph while breathing heavily, “baby my cunt need a good fucking please fuck me”. Ralph got up, she spread her legs wide as possible as his black 10-inch cock went in her wet hungry cunt. “Baby please go slow at first your wonderful cock is large I need time to stretch out, so my cunt can accommodate you. Then you can pound her, I do really want my cunt pounded”.

Now Terry stuffed his cock in her mouth, she immediately open her mouth to accept him. Wally was in shock watching things unfold.

Ralphs cock pumped slowly at first as her pussy stretched to accommodate his large veined cock his pace picked up. “Oh my Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk”, she moaned as here hips raised to get more cock in her. Ralph stiffened pushed deep into her cervix, his cock started pumping hot cum directly into her womb. “Oh, Fuckkkkkk my Cunttttttttt”! as she had a toe-curling orgasm.

Wally was amazed as he watched Ralphs cock pump seven large ropes of cum deep into her, he gave a final push an eight rope of cum pushed into her womb. It took several seconds for them to calm down. Looking into his eyes “honey my cunt feels wonderful”. Ralph pushed off her as Terry slipped his cock into her waiting pussy, due to all the cum Ralph had pumped into her he was able to go balls deep on the first push.

“Oh goodness your cock feels terrific babe I’m going to have my cunt muscles milk every drop of cum out of him”. Terry looked down at her, “Janet you have got one terrific pussy were going to be using it quite often”. She had started moaning in pleasure, “honey you guys can use my cunt anytime you want just fuck meeeeeeeeeeee”!!!

She had four orgasms before Terry stiffened pushed deep into her, he shot seven ropes of cum deep into her unprotected womb.

As there breathing returned to normal Ralph had sat next to them, his black cock hard as a rock. Terry got off she looked over to see Ralphs hard cock, without saying a word she grabbed Terry ass cheeks pulled his close put his cock in her mouth gave it a quick suck then wiped the remaining cum and pussy juice on her face and in her hair. She smiled, “I see someone wants my cunt again”, she rolled over and sat on Ralphs hard cock. It was quickly enveloped by her pussy.

She sank down so the entire cock was once again deep inside her, before she could say anything, she felt Terrys cock push half way into her ass. She shouted, “I was an anal virgin until tonight UGGGGGGG”! Her body spasmed as she had a small but intense orgasm. Terrys cock was now completely balls deep in her ass. She felt both cocks in her only separated by a thin membrane between her canals.

“Oh, fuck yes, fuck my ass, fuck my cunt just fuck them I want to feel cum pumping into my bowels please fuck meeeeeeeeeeeee”! A strong intense orgasm ripped through her as both guys pulled her tight, they pumped cum into her. Her orgasm didn’t decrease or end until both cocks were finished Cumming.

As the three separated Ralph told her, “hey Jan put your panties on or you’ll leak all over the floor”. The three laughed, “Jan while your up how about a couple of beers and have some wine for yourself”. She smiled as she put her panties on, “ok guys”. As she walked toward the cooler the guys had brought Terry spoke to her, “Jan baby your leaking from both holes and as you walk your squishing”. Janet turned her head “well you guys did a great job on me so no wonder”.

Wally watched this in horror, he started crying as his beautiful mom was being turned into a cum bucket.

She handed the guys their beers and sat down between them, after a large swig of wine she asked Ralph, “Babe I have to admit this was the best sex I’ve ever had I do have a question? Are we going to do the double fucking thing again, I think I could really get into that and sucking your cocks”?

A half hour later Ralph grabbed her he put his tongue deep in her throat, Terry started rubbing her tits, five minutes later both cocks were balls deep in her. She was moaning like an animal, “Ralph baby I love black cock, Terry your cock is great as well pump my cunt and ass hard I need to blow my wad too”. After almost ten minutes while she had four orgasms both guys pulled her down, she felt cum flowing into both her canals. “Oh fuck,fuck,fuckkkkkk she kept saying as she had another earth shaking orgasm.

Once they were finished, she pulled on her panties, she immediately started cleaning their cocks with her face tongue and hair.

She was DP’d once more, it was almost 4 am as the guys started getting dressed. Ralph, Terry are we going to do this again soon”? Ralph looked at her as much as you like cock and we love your cunt and ass yes next week for sure. You do have the issue with Wally which you need to solve”. “Yes, that’s my problem but my cunt needs fucking, so I’ll do whatever it takes”.

Both guys got huge smiles, they nodded at her she smiled coyly, “I guess its fair to say I’m you cum bucket who like black and white big cock”. Both guys kissed her as the headed for the stairs.

Wally couldn’t believe it his mom was a cum slut, the video had ended but there were the guys standing in his driveway. “Listen up girly boys said Ralph, “you mom has one tight wet warm pussy and ass we plan on fucking her at least three time a week so first get used to it. Secondly you better start encouraging her to see us or we’ll feed, you to Homer with his group of gays have a good day”. The video went off.

He sat in his room contemplating the problem, if he didn’t work with them, he’d wind up sucking cock and being butt fucked by Homer and his crew. If he did as they asked, they’d be using her like a cum slut on a regular basis.

He got dressed and headed to the kitchen for coffee and food. At 9:30 Janet came into the kitchen she had on a t-shirt with cotton red shorts. She attempted to kiss him, but he moved away, she shrugged and got herself a cup of coffee.

He noticed she was walking funny, no doubt all the sex from last night, he asked her if she was ok? She told him she must have strained her back yesterday but would be ok in a day or so.

She was in a very good mood, at 10:45 her phone rang she looked down got a big smile on her face, “Wally its work I’ll be in my room”. As she wiggled out of the kitchen he thought cum slut!

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