My Favorite Cousin, My Favorite Slut - Pt. 2

My Favorite Cousin, My Favorite Slut - Pt. 2

The next morning I awoke to find the room empty, Erin had woken up and left before I had. It was mid morning and I figured I would get dressed and head to the house. I was worried how Erin felt about last night now, and how we would attempt to keep our conversation normal after what transpired.

I knew I enjoyed everything last night, in fact, until it happened, I didn't realized how bad I wanted my own underage cousin, as terrible as that truly is. She wanted me and I wanted her and last night, we indulged in that long awaited fantasy. Even after not seeing her for two years, I wanted her from all the time we spent talking and gaming on our Xboxes together.

I put on my clothes and heavy coat and walked to the house, which was about a quarter mile from the guest house we stayed in. The old farm was large but still nice to have in the family, plenty of land to hunt and fish on as well as run the family pets.

I arrived at the house and saw that most of the family had gathered for breakfast, including Erin. She looked at me when I entered the room then quickly averted her eyes back to her plate. I knew this was going to be awkward, and I tried to act normal, eating my breakfast.

Most of the day was pretty uneventful, in fact, Erin seemed to try to ignore me the best she could, but when I wasn't looking I could tell she was looking at me. I was worried that the rest of the family would get curious as to why we weren't talking, so right before dinner I said that I wasn't feeling well and retreated back to the guest house.

About 2 hours later, I was sitting on my cot, staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out how the hell we were going to survive another 6 days without arousing any suspicion when we acted like this, and Erin came into the guest house. She looked at me and smiled, removed her coat, and sat on her cot. The sun had mostly set and it was getting dark outside now. She threw me a small package wrapped in foil.

"Grandma thought you might want that for dinner" she said.

"Thanks" I replied halfheartedly.

"Can I ask you something?" she timidly said, which peaked my interest.

"Anything cuz, you know that."

"Why did you get so violent last night after I made you cum?"

I was flabbergasted. I completely forgot that I had gotten so rough with her. My previous girlfriend, whom I had broken up with a little over a month prior, loved getting dominated and rough sex and it had just become normal for me. I hadn't thought that Erin would not enjoy that.

"It's how my old girlfriend and I used to have sex and she liked it that way. I didn't think. Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry."

"It hurt a little, but I didn't like you being that rough to me either. I thought you were mad and that I did something wrong" she said it in a way that was innocent to the point that I began to suspect her faking it.

"That's not funny Erin" I said, just testing my theory. I figured if I was wrong, I could cover easily enough.

Instead she laughed a little. "I wondered if that would work. Seriously though, please don't do that, I really didn't like it and it did hurt a little. And all we need is marks on each other to show that we were doing something out here."

I hadn't thought of that last part, which was a good point really.

"Ok, I'm sorry Erin."

"No need to apologize, just don't do it again. Now, do me a favor and pull your dick out for me."

Part of me wanted to tell her that last night was the first, and last, time we would ever do anything like that. However, most of me wanted to continue our sexual exploration, so I obliged, unbuttoning my pants and pulling them, and my boxers, down, revealing my limp dick. Erin responded by removing her shirt, revealing no bra, her nipples already hard. She then proceeded to crawl on her hands and knees across the room, stopping as her face hovered over my cock.

"Let's see if I do better than last night at sucking your dick" she said. She then grabbed it and stroked it until it began to get hard. She then began to lick up and down my shaft, making it harden twice as fast as before. Soon enough, my nine inch dick was fully erect, again her fingertips just barely not able to touch each other as her hand wrapped around my dick. She then went down and slid it slowly into her mouth, inch by inch, until she got about halfway, which was as good as she did last night, and began to suck.

I loved the feeling just as I had the night before, her mouth was tight and wet around my dick, and she continued slowly, moaning every now and then as she sucked. Her tongue began to move in her mouth, licking what it could of my dick, and I loved every second of the feeling. I began moaning loudly as she massaged my dick with her young mouth. Her head bobbed up and down, her pace beginning to increase. Her hair had slid down to cover half of her face, the visual making the stimulation of my dick even greater.

"Do you want to try something new cuz?" I said, knowing what I wanted to do.

She nodded on my cock, sucking fast and hard now, her hand slowly began to massage my balls, as if she instinctively knew where her hands should go. I felt the pressure in my dick begin to increase and I knew it would not be long before I came, so I quickly stopped her and stood up, having her face look directly up at mine. I quickly grabbed my dick and began vigorously jerking it off over her.

"I'm gonna cum all over your face Erin" I said, and she continued to look up and me.

"I want you to be the first person to ever cum on my face" she replied, and the thought of being the first did it. I shot load after load of hot cum all over my cousins face, her expression was at first surprised, by then the smile on her face got bigger and I knew she enjoyed it.

When I was done cumming, I took my shirt off and gave ti to Erin, allowing her to use it to wipe the cum off of her face. I loved looking at my nerdy, attractive, young cousin with my essence covering her face. And I loved that she both let me and wanted me to.

I sat back on my cot and pulled my boxers and pants back up, and Erin finished wiping my sperm off her face. She looked at me and smiled.

"I loved feeling your cum all over my face" she said, "it made me hornier than I already was"

"Then let me service you properly, like I should have yesterday" was my response and and gently grabbed her by the arms, raising her up onto my cot, as I moved onto the floor. I slowly undid then pulled down her pants, revealing light blue thong panties. She had not had any panties on last night, so I was slightly surprised by her owning lingerie.

"Where did you get these?" I asked, curious. "I thought you were a virgin and all."

"I do have friends" she said, defensively, "and we do buy clothes together."

That was a good enough explanation for me, and I slid them aside, taking in the sight of her beautiful pussy. Another thing caught my eye that in my vigorous lustful haze I had missed the night before, my cousin was completely shaved. I wanted to ask why she did that, but I just assumed it was also because of her friends and ignored it. Instead, I slid my index finger into her pussy slowly, and she arched her back and let out a sigh.

I moved my index finger slowly in and out of her pussy, and it got wet almost instantly. I fucked my cousins pussy with my finger for minutes, her moans of pleasure getting loader and more intense. I wiggled my finger all around inside her, letting her experience how it felt, and then, I inserted a second finger.

She screamed louder than she had before, and began instantly convulsing heavily, and I knew that the insertion of the second finger made her cum on the spot. I continued to finger her pussy, but began to go faster and harder, but not enough that I might hurt her virgin pussy. She continued to scream and grabbed the sides of the cot, convulsing more intensely.

After another minute of her screaming and my fingering, I slowly removed my fingers from her pussy. She was breathing heavily and still moaning. I got up and went to the bathroom for a moment to clean up, and when i returned, Erin was still breathing quite heavily. I sat beside her and ran my fingers through her hair and she smiled at me.

"How was that?" I asked.

Erin continued to breathe laboriously, not answering, but just continued to smile.

I helped her get dressed and tucked her into my cot, and it took almost no time at all for her to fall asleep as I sat there watching her.

A few minutes after she had fallen asleep, I went to her cot and did the same, knowing that we still had 5 more full days after today to enjoy our time together.

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