Summer Fun Part One

Summer Fun Part One

I would turn 12 on our last day before summer vacation. I was looking forward to spending a lot of time at our ranch and enjoying the rolling hills, and the lazy summer days with my new friend Janet.

Janet and I had met the last week of school. We hit if off right away. She was a beautiful blonde, 5’ 4” tall with a body that just wouldn’t quit. I had found looking at other girls really was beginning to turn me on and I thought she would be that someone special that I could really “get into.”

We had spent a few nights at our place but the only thing that had transpired was hugging during the night and a friendly good night kiss on the cheek.

I had felt her tits a few times during the night, but I was afraid I might scare her off if I woke her. I never knew until later, that she had been awake and was enjoying my touch. She too was starting to become interested in the same sex.

I knew Janet had a boyfriend who was several years older than she was and they had been petting pretty hard recently. He had felt her up on several occasions but she said they had not gone all the way yet.

Then the last day before school ended, she came over to spend the night as we thought it would be our last night before school started again.

We were talking about what we were going to do for the summer when it dawned on me to ask her to come with us.

She got all excited and told me she thought her mom and dad would let her.

My mom was still up so I told her to lets go ask her if it would be okay that way she could ask her mom and dad the next day.

Before I go any further let me tell you my mom is a single mom, doing well financially and she had a thing for other women. That was the reason for my dad leaving her a few years back. I wasn’t sure if she liked younger girls or not but had hoped she did.

When we walked into the living room, my mom was watching a movie I had not seen before. However, before I could get the drift of what it was she turned the set off.

“Mom, Janet, and I were talking and wondered if she could come with us to the ranch? If it’s okay with you she can ask her mom and dad tomorrow so we can make arrangements.”

I had noticed my mom had been looking Janet over a bit more than any of the other girls I knew,

She looked at me then at Janet, a lovely smile came across her face, and she said it would be an honor to have her along.

Janet smiled and walked over and hugged my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I had never seen my mom blush before but she hugged Janet back, looked at me, and smiled.

Janet and I went back to my room and that is when she told me she had felt me feeling her breast.
I was embarrassed and my face turned red. I was about to apologize when she put her finger to my lips. She then leaned over and kissed me on the lips.

At first, I was surprised to the point of not responding but then all I had dreamed of seemed to be coming true. I pulled her to me and let my hands move to her tits and she pushed her tongue into my mouth.

I started to undress her slowly wanting to savior all her beauty I had so want to see. As I removed her dress, I saw the fantastic body I had only imagined was there. I moved my lips from hers and kissed her neck as I moved down her body to her breast. I could feel her responding to my touch and feel her body tightening up.
Janet started removing my clothes and in turn started to kiss me the same way. We moved over to my bed and lay down side by side, as I continued to love this wonderful sexy body next to me I began to wonder if I would be able to lick her pussy or would that be taking it too far when I felt her hand on my mound.

She looked me in eye as if to ask if I wanted her to do more so I moved my hand down on hers and pushed her finger into my pussy.

She smiled and started to move down my body until she had reached my pussy and she started to circle my love hole with her tongue. I felt the tip of her tongue as it slide into my wet pussy and heard her as she moaned and then I knew she was enjoying the taste of my precum. My body suddenly had a mind of its own as I started to hump her face and feel things I had no idea could come into my body.

I was trying to do things to her but I couldn’t make my mind concentrate on anything but the feelings she was giving me.

I came so hard I thought I might have hurt her. My body went into spasm that rocked my entire being. Every feeling in my body became totally uncontrollable and I went limp.

She moved up my body, kissed me on the lips again, and smiled tenderly at me.

“Did that make you happy?”

“Did it make me happy,” I said, “I have never known anything so wonderful in my entire life.”
She took me in her arms, comforted me, and asked if I wanted more.

“Oh yes, much more but I think it’s your turn.”

I started kissing her lips and ran my tongue into her mouth. I moved from her lips to her face then down her neck again to her tits. I only spent a few moments there, as I wanted to learn how she tasted. As I neared her pussy, she began to shake and I could feel she was as excited as I had been when she had done me.

I moved my lips around her virgin pussy and slowly started pushing my tongue into her and reached for her clit. She was shaking so hard I could hardly hold on to her clit. I thought I might hurt her if she shook while it was in my mouth so I just used my lips so if it was jerked out of my mouth it wouldn’t do any damage.

She went limp and I heard her exhale as if she was totally done. Sort of like I have had enough but don’t stop.
I moved up her body kissing her along the way until I could kiss her lips again.

She smiled at me and asked, “Where did you learn to do that so well?”

I had to admit to her she was the first and I had no idea what I was doing that I had just heard some things from the other girls and they just seemed to be guiding my thoughts,

We cuddled with our breast against each other. Janet ran her fingers though my hair as if I was her lover and caressed my body as if she might have done her boy friend.

We fell asleep in that position. When we woke up, my mom was standing beside the bed.

I felt like my entire body was blushing and had to be a deep dark red. She was just looking at our naked bodies and smiling. I tried to explain it away but she just put her finger to her lips and smiled.

Janet was as embarrassed as I was and she also had a very red face.

My mom came over, sat on the edge of the bed, and placed her one hand on Janet’s breast and the other on mine.

It’s really okay girls as long as you don’t keep it to yourself and let me share. She was needling both our breast as she spoke and then she bent over and kissed Janet’s tits, then mine.

She smiled and said, “You two need to get up and ready for the last day of school and think about how much fun this summer is going to be, with the three of us. So start planning on how the summer is going to go and what all you want to do together. Oh by the way, your cousin will be with us this summer also.”

She didn’t say if it was a girl or boy and just left it hanging for us to think about.

Janet looked at me and smiled, “I didn’t know your mom liked girls also. This is going to be a wonderful summer because I had eyed her looking at me and was wondering if she would be someone I could have some fun with.”
I told her that was why my dad had left her and she started beaming all over.

“Oh what a wonderful time we will have then. I got started with a girl at my last school. She had a fantasy about me and one day she came up to me and asked if I would like her to eat my pussy. At first, I was embarrassed to think about it but she would look at me and smile every time she saw me. As the days went on, I keep thinking and wondering how it would feel to have someone touch my pussy. It kept going through my mind until one day I smiled back at her. She immediately got the message, came over, and asked me if I would like to have a sleep over at her house, just her and me. I took her hand and squeezed it and smiled again at her.”

“Would Friday be okay with you? That way if you like it we will be able to maybe spend Saturday and Sunday together. My sister and mom will be gone all weekend so it will just be me and you.”

“That was one wild weekend for me. She taught me how to french kiss, to eat pussy, and all the erotic spots on mine and her body.”

The next day at school was a bore and I thought it would never end. Janet and I met in the girl’s room several times during the day and did some kissing and feeling in one of the stales. It was more than exciting to be doing it knowing we could be caught.

On one occasion, as we were doing some heavy smooching suddenly the stall door opened and it was Wanda.
She looked at us, moved inside, and closed the door behind her. “Mind some company? I have wanted to feel Janet and you for some time now and if you wish I will eat you both, right here and now.”

I looked at Janet and she looked at me as we both shook our heads yes. Wanda was a petite little girl, a bit shorter than either Janet or me but she had already started showing signs of having tits. She reached over and touched me between the legs and Janet’s tits at the same time.

I reached over and felt her little tits as Janet bent over and kissed her on the lips. Unfortunately, we didn’t have much time to get really acquainted so I asked her if she would like to come over to my house tonight.

She looked up at me and smiled the most delicious smile I have ever seen. She kissed Janet and then me and told me she would see us tonight.

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